oh noes, Kalico-pun, OH NOES! I forgot the comment I said at the previous time you submitted this wall! oh well, I guess
I'll just have to make another commennt... -__-
Well, as the one at the Arete site said, this wall's the outstanding entry. & I'm saying that this is the
most outstanding entires from the others. Amazing stunning & sleek vector as usuall, makes it to have a
"silky" feel. Just like what I said at the previous comment, the woman..I feel that she's ultra creepy.
ahh, Yoshitaka Amano's artwork are soo creepy, & gave me the creeps, but it really goes to Japaneese culture.
oh, where was I? oh yeah, btw, I really love the texture, also the red bloody sakuras. & the font is awsome! Altough
a little creepy. Awsome job, Kalico-pun, & congrats on the contest! I'll definaetly add this to my favs! Keep
up the awsome work!