
Kunie Kanbara Wallpaper: Breathe

Kunie Kanbara, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kunie Kanbara Mangaka Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My entry fo Arete III
I can't believe I won! I didn't really expect it beacause somewhere along the way I kindda lost it and the hole concept went berserk XD. I really wanted to see more walls in the contest. I'm a bit disappointed that there were only 5 participants :(

Anyway here are a few facts about the wall:
Original scan by MapleRose: LINK
Lineart: LINK
Making-of the lineart: LINK

The 2nd version is 1280x1024

*If you haven't noticed yet, I turned the woman intro a man because I think the character looks more like a man than a woman XD

vector-wallers celestial-luminesse chamber-of-kings vectory

This wallpaper is dedicated to Vitaamin...just because :3

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Dec 05, 2010

    This is amazingly unique, lol I didn't know it was the same image for everyone...
    I'm over here thinking how odd it was that you all happen to pick the same scan. XD

    I love the smooth shades that cover her body, it really gives a transforming
    look and then it's underwater so that peaceful yet despaired drowing comes in...atleast for me.
    Also the fishies are so cute, nice addition! Wonderful work, I can see why you won :3

  2. snyp Dec 05, 2010

    I see so many people making walls wih that scan recently but this wall is spectacular with genius effects ! Thanks for sharing with us !

  3. Zurrt Dec 05, 2010

    wow, it's absolutely great and totally innovative, what you did with the scan! and incredibly creative --> this whole underwater scenery is amazing: those many smooth and soft shadings make him really look like he was made of water himself, so that it makes you feel like you could reach out for him but never touch him.
    thanks a lot for sharing, +fav, +good luck for the contest!

  4. trofikabinet Dec 05, 2010

    This is truly amazing, I love it <333

  5. srsn Dec 05, 2010

    yes, This is one of the entries I like in the contest!


  6. KenOtonashi Dec 06, 2010

    its nice, really but the girl looks flat chested..no offense o.O

  7. sailorchiron Dec 06, 2010

    When I was looking at the entries I was thinking all of ours were really similar until BAM I saw yours! OMG it's so fantastically creative. I love the way you worked the girl, we're all kinda in a Kunie style rut (vector/white skin/gradients or patterns/done) and this is so totally different it's amazing. Great work, I can see instantly why you were the winner.

  8. ngakyuklim Dec 06, 2010

    awesome background. but i love the colours the most! <3

  9. Xlea Dec 06, 2010

    Ha tr

  10. GeneDNC Dec 06, 2010

    This is one of those walls that gets better and better the more I look at it. I love the background and wonderful use of the scan, it reminds me of something made of glass. It also has a kind of mysterious air, like what's the story about this glass figure under the water. :D

    Well done for the contest.

  11. CrazyMialuvsAnime Dec 07, 2010

    this is really cool i love the swirls through her body thanx for sharin it's really beautiful.

  12. XxEliDarkangelxX Dec 08, 2010

    Ohh how beautiful! A true work of art, really--bravo!

  13. wingedspirit Dec 09, 2010

    Wow! I can't really think of anything else to say but WOW! This is awsome! Your really talented.

  14. ploychompoo Dec 09, 2010

    [this is amazing pictures,there is not only the name of it but also the emotional part that you present it
    meaningfully, and it pause my eyes for a while,be confident in yourself,and go on doing
    your picture can send people a massage

  15. Krycha Dec 10, 2010

    amazing wallpaper
    thanks for sharing

  16. HoshinoSora12 Dec 12, 2010

    This is unique, magnificent colouring and vectoring

  17. vitaamin Dec 21, 2010

    i love your deliberate attention to movement in this piece, enhanced by a very apparent effort to vector beyond your usual repertoire. the conception is beautiful, from the re-interpretation of kunie's work to the magical underwater environment you have created. certainly worthy of winning the contest (although i have to admit i wasn't in on the loop there)

    a few pointers as this is your first attempt with this style. while your shapes have an incredible amount of movement, the thick, rather even lines somewhat break the flow. the best remedy is usually layering lines, but this can be a huge hassle (i have trouble with this too). i also think her face is a place where you needed to do some editting. the aimless shading in her body do well to express your element of abstract but the lack of form in the focal point (the face) and all too dark shades are overwhelming. i also think that while you have a clearly defined color scheme, it could use some lightening up, with warmer, more saturated tones especially where the light hits the water.

    none-the-less a great piece to be admired. one of the more spectacular presents anyone could receive ;)

  18. xXAnimeXxXMasterXx Banned Member Dec 22, 2010

    They are sooo pretty! XD

    Wait! This Is Sooo Cute! I Wish I Could Be There!

  19. DREAM Dec 24, 2010

    this was easily the best of the bunch from that contest. :)

    one sort of major crit- this can apply to some of your other works as well.
    you need to work on your typography. the font is blurry, hard to read, and
    i have honestly read shorter articles. i would consider in future endeavors picking a
    type that is rational. i.e like Helvetica etc. and select any color from your work that
    is not white. your name, date, arete iii is all you needed.
    btw- be sure to scope out the graphic design documentary called "Helvetica".

    type seems pretty straightforward but can ruin an otherwise great work in my opinion.

  20. HurtHattori Dec 24, 2010

    First of all, congratulations! This a very beautiful wallpaper, and I believe its strength is that you worjed very hard to make something original. He seems to be made of glass, and I found it very interesting and original. Thanks a lot for sharing and for participating to this contest!

  21. Fran Retired Moderator Dec 25, 2010

    To be fair I thought I should paste my comment from the judging:
    I have never seen anyone using a Kunie scan like this!
    Definitely an unique way of walling Kunie! The way the scene was crafted is amazing, especially the amount of detail! Though I have to admit that the fishes look a bit repetitive.
    Fabulous technique!

    Congrats on winning, I knew this was going to win as soon as I saw it. :3

  22. Nysha Jan 02, 2011

    I really like how you uniquely interpreted this scan and made it your own water scene with a guy! Nice work. HL@VW

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