This is really pretty. The BG could use some perspective to give it that "breaking away" effect. The way you did the BG seems kinda flat right now. Anyway, I really love the use of monochrome the contrast of red here. It was nicely done. <3333
Artist Comment
My entry for the ARETE III
I guess points wise I came in 3rd place (^_^)
This was a great challenge/contest & was really fun!
*Original scan from MapleRose*
*Some Clip art from*
*Programs used: PSP 8 & Adobe Illustrator*
For this wall I spent several hours over the span of 3 days vectoring the Kunie Kanbara scan (O_O) After that the rest
of the wall seemed easy
I used a checker board pattern but I made it seem "broken" and also used a marble texture on the white. I used
a few different heart brushes and the chess pieces and cards, the rest of the wall was just layering and moving things
around so they looked good. Hope everyone likes it (^_^) total time - a few days +
Comments & Favs appreciated!
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Horseradish Dec 05, 2010
cacak Dec 05, 2010
great! hope u dont mind if i download these :)
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