
Kunie Kanbara Wallpaper: ? RED QUEEN ?

Kunie Kanbara, ECHO (Artbook), Vector Art Wallpaper
Kunie Kanbara Mangaka ECHO (Artbook) Artbook Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

My entry for the ARETE III I guess points wise I came in 3rd place (^_^)
This was a great challenge/contest & was really fun!

*Original scan from MapleRose*
*Some Clip art from Clker.com*
*Programs used: PSP 8 & Adobe Illustrator*

For this wall I spent several hours over the span of 3 days vectoring the Kunie Kanbara scan (O_O) After that the rest of the wall seemed easy
I used a checker board pattern but I made it seem "broken" and also used a marble texture on the white. I used a few different heart brushes and the chess pieces and cards, the rest of the wall was just layering and moving things around so they looked good. Hope everyone likes it (^_^) total time - a few days +

Comments & Favs appreciated!

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  1. Horseradish Dec 05, 2010

    This is really pretty. The BG could use some perspective to give it that "breaking away" effect. The way you did the BG seems kinda flat right now. Anyway, I really love the use of monochrome the contrast of red here. It was nicely done. <3333

  2. cacak Dec 05, 2010

    great! hope u dont mind if i download these :)

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