
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: I Need You

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu, Vector Art Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


this wall is birthday present for Straawbeeryy XD girl I really hope you love it!

this scan was vectored/painted by epsilon-chan before but I couldnt stop myself from vectoring it cause zero is looking EXTREMELY HOT in that scan XD this wall is actually a very simple one & thats the reason why I finished it in a week.I tried my best to capture zero's lifeless expression & I hope his eyes are looking good. I extended the scan on yuuki's side & about zero's necklace, I really hope its looking good cause it was not that clear in the scan & the chain looks a bit messy -___- *sorry* since zero is reaching out to yuuki in that scan I thought of adding blood tablets.....well i got nothing more to say about my wallie & I hope you enjoy it ^^

brighter version

all the comments & favs are appreciated.thanks a lot everyone for your love & support, i really cant thank you enough for that.I will do my best to make awesome VK wallie for you guys ^^


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  1. Susan-chan May 25, 2009

    Yay first comment! XD

    so: i am not surprised XD
    nice job as always:P XD "what a long comment" XD

  2. moonescape May 25, 2009

    wow so detailed o_o I mean those chain, to titty bitty small and I can't imagine having to outline that. x_x you big sis. :3 +fave

  3. EevaLeena May 25, 2009

    Beautiful job, as always! And you actually added Yuuki (or.. should I say, some part of her ^^) next to him!

  4. M2Vz May 25, 2009

    Zeroooo <3

    You did pretty good work, Sin-chan =3
    Perfect lightning too ^^ and good idea adding Yuuki there <3

    And I still haven't finish what I'm vectoring now ^^

  5. animanga May 25, 2009

    My god you work quickly. XD
    Gorgeous as usual, the lighting is especially nice - though it's made the skin a bit too orange. Yuuki and the tablets were a good idea, and the painting on the sheets looks really good.
    Fantastic job. :)

  6. uffy-chan May 25, 2009

    Oh lovely, I like the scene and the light effect too.

  7. Rue-chan May 25, 2009

    yes, brighter than the other version i saw. and flawless too.
    Love it, as usual.

  8. temarigenius May 25, 2009

    You vector way too fast >_< *Admires*
    What a hot picture of Zero you vectored >.< Bet you had lots of fun vectoring it XD
    Anyways I love the colored outline~ :nya: And the color tone~ :3
    As always~ Your vector is perfect :D Too awesome~ *_*

  9. Pika-Pika-Pikachu May 25, 2009


  10. rizacaga May 25, 2009

    yay...you finished it.>.<....awesome as always!
    dont know what to say anymore(ur way vectoring just too good)...better get off now before my lecuturer find out me having OL^^'

  11. vitaamin May 25, 2009

    lol i somehow feel that her hand should be flipped around and zero is a little bit too orange for the shadows but ahh your painting is always love >D

  12. trofikabinet May 25, 2009

    Ah Sin-chan you just made my day ^^ ( after the horrible mess I did at my finals x_x )
    I love it, I really don't know what to comment anymore. I'm so out of ideas.
    Sorry for the stupid comment but is definitely a fav :D

  13. 3rdESPADA May 25, 2009

    wow you're new zero work is FANTASTIC!

    i love it... so pretty.

  14. erikamirou May 25, 2009

    Zero no kakoiiiii *___* the vector-wall looks great >D
    I don't know what else to say ^^''' wonderful job ^^

  15. jns May 25, 2009

    Zerooo *faints*
    You're fast :o
    The painting is as amazing as usual and it's Zero
    I really love the way you did the eyes! The poor thing looks so helpless >_<
    Great job

  16. Lunariha May 25, 2009

    OMG...I'm sooooo loving this new ZERO vector-wallie of yours, Sin-chan! :nya:

  17. DarthTofu May 25, 2009

    I feel that his skin is too yellow or orange... but other than that I think you did a fine job, especially the chain and the sheer ruffle thing on her sleeve.

  18. Cris25 May 25, 2009

    Beautiful, Sin-chan! ^^
    I really love the way you paint-vector VK scans! *-*
    faved! ;D

  19. CaMiLi May 25, 2009

    i totally knew that this one was from sin :D:D:D yeeeha... so many vk walls from you recently :D have to agree with the other guys ^^ zero looks somewhat to orange :D maybe he is just tanned too much but other than that, he is more the "hate-it-to-be-outside"-guy ^^ lol he looks so helpless.. want to hug him T_T .... the wallpaper is pretty cute :3 ... but somehow i cant help it but wondering how yuuki is lying :/ i mean, does she turns her back to zero? as well? it's unclear for me from where her hand comes.

  20. HotaruZala May 25, 2009

    gorgeous work as always sinever-san!^^ Zero is lookin smokin hot.^^

  21. noda305 May 25, 2009

    OMG thats soo hot!lol i really love the coloers, thats the best wallpaper i have ever seen.=D

  22. Straawbeeryy May 26, 2009

    Sin-channnnnnnnnnn <333333333
    You and your fast vectoring skills. I didn`t expect you to finish this so soon.
    And you know I`m going to drool all over this and diee. I`m not going to be able to leave my desktop now. D:
    The only thing I wish wasn`t there is Yuki`s hand.. because I only want Zero. *shoves Yuki*
    Muahahahaha. >D
    And of course, thank youuu so much for the gift. You really didn`t have to make me anything. ((:

  23. YENESIS May 26, 2009

    oh great work sinerver-san, zero looks so need love and very sexy ,this face says hug me!

  24. GothRogue May 26, 2009

    ummm perhaps a link to the lighter version? :)
    Zerooo is seriously tooo much of a bishieeeeee! :D

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