Yay first comment! XD
so: i am not surprised XD
nice job as always:P XD "what a long comment" XD
this wall is birthday present for XD girl I really hope you love
this scan was vectored/painted by epsilon-chan before but I couldnt stop myself from vectoring it cause zero is looking EXTREMELY HOT in that scan XD this wall is actually a very simple one & thats the reason why I finished it in a week.I tried my best to capture zero's lifeless expression & I hope his eyes are looking good. I extended the scan on yuuki's side & about zero's necklace, I really hope its looking good cause it was not that clear in the scan & the chain looks a bit messy -___- *sorry* since zero is reaching out to yuuki in that scan I thought of adding blood tablets.....well i got nothing more to say about my wallie & I hope you enjoy it ^^
all the comments & favs are appreciated.thanks a lot everyone for your love & support, i really cant thank you enough for that.I will do my best to make awesome VK wallie for you guys ^^
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Yay first comment! XD
so: i am not surprised XD
nice job as always:P XD "what a long comment" XD
wow so detailed o_o I mean those chain, to titty bitty small and I can't imagine having to outline that. x_x you big sis. :3 +fave
Beautiful job, as always! And you actually added Yuuki (or.. should I say, some part of her ^^) next to him!
Zeroooo <3
You did pretty good work, Sin-chan =3
Perfect lightning too ^^ and good idea adding Yuuki there <3
And I still haven't finish what I'm vectoring now ^^
My god you work quickly. XD
Gorgeous as usual, the lighting is especially nice - though it's made the skin a bit too orange. Yuuki and the
tablets were a good idea, and the painting on the sheets looks really good.
Fantastic job. :)
Oh lovely, I like the scene and the light effect too.
yes, brighter than the other version i saw. and flawless too.
Love it, as usual.
You vector way too fast >_< *Admires*
What a hot picture of Zero you vectored >.< Bet you had lots of fun vectoring it XD
Anyways I love the colored outline~ :nya: And the color tone~ :3
As always~ Your vector is perfect :D Too awesome~ *_*
yay...you finished it.>.<....awesome as always!
dont know what to say anymore(ur way vectoring just too good)...better get off now before my lecuturer find out me
having OL^^'
lol i somehow feel that her hand should be flipped around and zero is a little bit too orange for the shadows but ahh your painting is always love >D
Ah Sin-chan you just made my day ^^ ( after the horrible mess I did at my finals x_x )
I love it, I really don't know what to comment anymore. I'm so out of ideas.
Sorry for the stupid comment but is definitely a fav :D
wow you're new zero work is FANTASTIC!
i love it... so pretty.
Zero no kakoiiiii *___* the vector-wall looks great >D
I don't know what else to say ^^''' wonderful job ^^
Zerooo *faints*
You're fast :o
The painting is as amazing as usual and it's Zero
I really love the way you did the eyes! The poor thing looks so helpless >_<
Great job
OMG...I'm sooooo loving this new ZERO vector-wallie of yours, Sin-chan! :nya:
I feel that his skin is too yellow or orange... but other than that I think you did a fine job, especially the chain and the sheer ruffle thing on her sleeve.
Beautiful, Sin-chan! ^^
I really love the way you paint-vector VK scans! *-*
faved! ;D
i totally knew that this one was from sin :D:D:D yeeeha... so many vk walls from you recently :D have to agree with the other guys ^^ zero looks somewhat to orange :D maybe he is just tanned too much but other than that, he is more the "hate-it-to-be-outside"-guy ^^ lol he looks so helpless.. want to hug him T_T .... the wallpaper is pretty cute :3 ... but somehow i cant help it but wondering how yuuki is lying :/ i mean, does she turns her back to zero? as well? it's unclear for me from where her hand comes.
gorgeous work as always sinever-san!^^ Zero is lookin smokin hot.^^
OMG thats soo hot!lol i really love the coloers, thats the best wallpaper i have ever seen.=D
Sin-channnnnnnnnnn <333333333
You and your fast vectoring skills. I didn`t expect you to finish this so soon.
And you know I`m going to drool all over this and diee. I`m not going to be able to leave my desktop now. D:
The only thing I wish wasn`t there is Yuki`s hand.. because I only want Zero. *shoves Yuki*
Muahahahaha. >D
And of course, thank youuu so much for the gift. You really didn`t have to make me anything. ((:
oh great work sinerver-san, zero looks so need love and very sexy ,this face says hug me!
ummm perhaps a link to the lighter version? :)
Zerooo is seriously tooo much of a bishieeeeee! :D
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