Gotta love those hair and eyes! >.< Great job!
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Create this wallpaper base on the scan below:
I just like the image the first time i saw it. It is the preview cover for chapter 50.
I did the line art with Paint tool SAI. It is easier and the line look more smooth.
Afterwhich i set to colour this art using Photoshop CS2.
It took lot of time and effort cos the scan is actually quite low quality and i keep editing it. Not very sure what colours to use. So i try many colours and finally settle for Orange, blue, violet and white...
If you like it, do check out the doujin version.
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EevaLeena May 03, 2009
tishdon May 03, 2009
The grey on grey colour range just looks great, and you did an excellent job on the eyes and hair. Thanks for sharing.
Tina18 May 03, 2009
Oh, shit, Sin-chii was gonna do this T-T. I saw it on animepaper at sesion Zero =D I like the hair, you did a very good job on it, and the eyes, they look so good. Gosh what a sexy pose. You could've worked more on the shades to make them not look so blury, and I think the part highlight on his hand it's too bright, but it's fine, you did a good job. Also you changed his expression, from a painfull one to a more..sort or seductive one.. Good luck on future projects.
I so want a tablet now! *steals Zero* fu fuEdit: oh yeah, I think you can do a better coloration with SAI! You should try, since the brush has dilution you can blend the colors better.
CaMiLi May 03, 2009
i looooove it =) but somehow his right arm disturb me :// maybe it's just me, but i think, there are too many lines, that's why his arm looks so flat and thin xD BUT other than that, this is puuure looove :D i hate you for being a zero fan! :D kaname deserves hot pics too hehe
Catoli May 03, 2009
Sexy *o*
PunkyDarkmoon May 03, 2009
Wow Zero so beautiful boy *_* Thanks for the wallpaper ^^
animes-4eva-rox May 03, 2009
it's as if his life so dull
he's hair is grey
bedsheet also grey
shirt's grey toohahaz ...
he wears a necklace? with a ring [is that a ring?]
wish he was on his other side!
i wanna see his tattoo -
Sashinka Banned Member May 03, 2009
awesome *o*
could you please teach me how to make the hair? :o
thanks =] -
garnetyuna May 03, 2009
this is wonderful! I really like it <3
good job! -
ally12 May 03, 2009
selemental Banned Member May 03, 2009
it looks beautiful =D he looks like water color got splashed in him which is magnificent =D cuz it's so neat! *favs*
Rue-chan May 03, 2009
OMG! OMG OMG! This HAs to be Elite soon!
I Cannot believe you turned That scan to THIS! That scan was soo poor quality and no color! Yo have amazingly turned it into this! i cant believe.. wow.
the colors are sooo smooth. so very well blended and soo soft! I love the gradients and the minute detailed hairs! Besides, I have never seen Zero look so gorgeous in any wall.
you have put soo much effort into it. I can imagine turning that scan into this and the hair... and the shadows so rightly placed.. its a perfect wall. its the best iv seen around in a long long time.
Polura May 03, 2009
woooo you really made a wonderful job!
-Beginning with the choice of the scan, and despite of the poor quality of the original, you came with this beautiful wallpaper; I like the tones you used and the gross of the lines, and specially at the hair you can see the effort. I would only change the gaze of the eyes, 'cuz at the original scan Zero looks more 'fragile' and blue, but anyway, it's very sexy...
Thx for sharing! [Keep up the good work^^]
rizacaga May 04, 2009
Sinever May 04, 2009
kyaaaaah xD
OMG the full view killed me x____x
I love it.... its perfect in every way :3
+fav -
ShanaFlare May 04, 2009
oh wow,the wall is marvelous XD
the vector and colours are nicely done :)
nice work there and thx for sharing :D -
animelover901120 May 04, 2009
zero look so cool...
This art is awesome...really thanks for the share^^
I really appreciate it^^ -
blackrose07 May 04, 2009
omg! he look so sexy in this.. very good looking.. love the hair..
uffy-chan May 04, 2009
Oh it's really lovely for me too :)
I like the pose and the glance :p -
akeedacrest May 04, 2009
Zero looks super hawt here! His eyes are killer! Gotta love his eyes here. So attractive! And vectoring his hair must be a pain in the neck. One word for this wallpaper: AWESOME!
My slowpoke college line is killing me for trying to full view and download the wallie! *shoots the wireless modem*
Oh and one more thing:
I would like to invite you to Chamber of Kings.
Hope to see you there! Take care! ;)
warrior-of-dream May 04, 2009
Amazing work, colours and that you made it into wallpaper
Dioma May 05, 2009
Zero never looked hotter! <3
P.s. I've seen your wip on AP, if you ever decide to submit the wall there too do NOT use the 'Submit latest revision to the gallery' link, that thing has a bug.
lastwilight May 06, 2009
Wow. Beautiful wall. Very sensual and, and, wow. Love the coloring! Thanks for sharing!
forgottenai May 06, 2009
Oh my god! you're amazing *-* is utterly beautiful! i mean you completely make it right >_< sugoi! *giggles* just looking at him makes me happy, he's yummy n//n Thanks!
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