
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: In Your Glass Eye...

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Vector Art Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I have a dark monitor so when I look at it on someone else's all the shading disappears. D:

Images Used:
Wallpaper pattern by kabukikatze @ deviantart

Original file size: 18 MB, merging like crazy D:
Easiest part: Lineart
Hardest part: Painting the eyes and skin, and the lighting

We're all used to Yuuki with long hair now. lol
I took screenshots of the bottom and top of the panning shot of Yuuki in the first closing, and I could see this extension with the striped wallpaper and window so I just ran with it.
The frill on the original cushion was too uniform and unrealistic so I changed it entirely, which meant I had no idea how to shade it. D: Painting the skin and the eyes was really hard but I hope they look okay; I really can't do any better. Apologies for the absolutely horrible painting on the skin under Yuuki's bangs, I just could not get it right or even find the right colours. T.T Though I will admit I'm proud of the painting on the rose. lol I tired to do the purple lighting like in the scan I used for the rose but it turned out to be really hard and I gave up. I had a lot of trouble with the scene outside the window as well, it wasn't supposed to look realistic but it was hard to make it look natural and not just plain yucky. lol
Ah well, I love it the way it looks on my monitor, so hopefully the colours behave on everyone else's. ^^;

Alternate Version: Less Purple Yuuki

vector-wallers vectory dark-wallies feathers-of-eternity celestial-luminesse

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  1. Sinever May 03, 2009

    very beautiful painting anima-chan @@
    I love how you've painted yuuki's eyes & hair.....I know that the whole wall needs more shading in order to look better but since you've just started vectoring & painting I think your wall is perfect ^^
    well done & keep it up.

  2. Evanchrist May 03, 2009

    this pic really more than wonderful !

  3. albino1234 May 03, 2009

    The wallpaper is really beautiful and the character is extracted nicely. Thanks for uploading this.

  4. Tina18 May 03, 2009

    I like the eyes, nice job, the key looks pretty good, with a bit more highlights you could've made it sparkle d: the mirror looks good as well. The hair needs more highlights, the rose could also need some highlights, you vectored it pretty well. I'm digging the skin.
    Oh, and the bloody tear, the dop needs to be under her chin. I like the second version too.
    p.s. you forgot to add your name, the white box is empty d:

  5. CaMiLi May 03, 2009


  6. PunkyDarkmoon May 03, 2009

    Wow so beautiful thanks I like the wallpaper ^^

  7. MoonangelTsubasA May 03, 2009

    I love your wallpaper
    Great work

  8. ShanaFlare May 04, 2009

    the wall is lovely,i like the colour and the bg :)

  9. forgottenai May 06, 2009

    I like the title *-* it's so connected with the song and the feeling that yuuki is expressing, love it. Thanks n.n

  10. YukiHaruhi May 07, 2009

    her shoulder seem weird...
    but nevermind.
    it's a great wallpaper!

  11. SAKURAZERO May 11, 2009

    Very nice wall >___<~ I love the colour ,thanks for sharing >w<~!

    +fav. xD~

  12. creamycoco May 15, 2009

    very nice
    thanks for sharing ^^

  13. carl123abc May 17, 2009

    Looks incredible, made it look so dark, cute and perfect, diffenately one of my favourite yuki walls ever.

  14. Hakimichan May 26, 2009

    Ooh, this is an interesting one. I love how you were able to make it dark and cute at the same time XD heehee! and the angle of Yuuki's head is perfect. so creepy. <33 excellent job! you gave me chills. <3

  15. larukukei Feb 06, 2010

    super hrmoso el wallpaper de yuuki
    a fav!

  16. IRSNKU Mar 16, 2010

    That's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

  17. Sokkyosama Apr 20, 2010

    Thank's a lot for sharing a nice wallpaper!

  18. zakudark Jun 04, 2010

    comentario en espa

  19. darkness5457 Aug 07, 2010

    bloody tears .thanks for sharing

  20. lightning13 Mute Member Sep 14, 2010

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

  21. alegonara Sep 15, 2010

    Adoro esta serie gracias por todas estas fotos =3

  22. Yuki15 Oct 11, 2010

    I loved her eyes are beautiful...

  23. RogerNavi Banned Member Mar 22, 2015

    I love this wallpaper . It is much lovely

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