
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Endless Night

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu, Vector Art Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


This wall is dedicated to:
Kuryuki, Rubenz, Yoruangel866, Moonescape, Temarigenius, Anit4e, Tina18, CaMiLi, Norine07, Naomi-chan2612, Vitaamin, Kitten, MoonFangs90, Sakura-Dust, Susan-chan.
I know that some of you are kaname fans & dont like zero at all so all you have to do is imagine that kaname is there not zero & that he is not wounded but holding lovely Roses for you XD

ahhhh finally I finished it T__T I started working on this scan once I finished my previous wallie but because the scan contained something that I avoided vectoring I dropped it & started working on kanameXyuuki vector but once I finished vectoring it I felt bored & decided to continue working on zero's vector.the scan was easy to vector except for BLOOD X-O because of it I dropped this scan once, I really had a hard time figuring out how to paint the blood perfectly, I've been working on the blood for THREE DAYS! & finally somehow managed to paint it -__- please dont tell me if anything is wrong with the blood.....then after finally finishing the vector I moved on to the bg.at first I thought of a bg with clouds, trees & lightning...I worked on it but it didnt turn out really good so decided to think of another bg & then the idea of adding the school building at the back popped into my head.I vectored the building from a page that I found in my VK fanbook, btw I stroked the outlines of the building ^^" *blame my laziness* I wanted to make the building look really creepy *hope it looks creepy to you guys* & I know that my clouds are very horrible & low quality clouds unlike kit's & vita's clouds but I really did my best you know -___- so please dont complain about it & kit-chan I know you will say that my vector is way too bright for a dark background....please ignore this fact okay ^^"
anyways thats it & I really hope you guys enjoy it ^^

my next wallie:
Im gonna start working on this gorgeous scan next, I really hope that no one is working on it, if anyone is then please stop, leave it to this freak to vector it X-O.
btw from now on if you think of vectoring a VK scan please before you start working on it go to my UP & check if the scan you've picked is on my "to be vectored" list or not ^^

Comments & Favs are really appreciated & thanks everyone for the lovely comments XD *hugs all*


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  1. YoruAngel866 Apr 27, 2009

    its awesome :D
    i love the vector and i love the painting
    awesome job as always sin chan ?
    thanks for dedication ?

  2. EevaLeena Apr 27, 2009

    Sin-chan's back with her Zero >.<
    Awesome vector/painting job! And fear not, those bloods look perfect! >.< I also love those rains.. I can't see anything on the background (blame my stupid old monitor ;_;), but.. who cares! Zero look awesome enough! Great job, Sin-chan!

  3. Tina18 Apr 27, 2009

    My gosh I'm an idiot and typing this again -_-;; sheesh.

    Anywa like I said, I just got back from school and I was like let's see if Sin-chii uploaded it and here it is! Nice timming. XD First of all *DRoooooL* he looks so cool with redish eyes. The vector is very good done as always, I realy like your thin lines, especially the ones in his hair. The blood turned out to be very good, you did a good job Sin-chii, it looks pretty realistic, specially the parts on his shirt and on the hand. Also, the rain and the wet parts are looking good and realistic as well, i like the small rain drops XD
    You're so good at doing walls, the brick walls looks great, it has very good shades.
    Plus I like this colors better, they're way brighter and lively than in the orginal. Great detail on the gun too, and I like the dark part as well, the contrast, it doesn't bother me at all XD
    And THANKS so much for the dedication, it's on my desk now and I'm gonna keep it for a while thou I think i'm gonna move my icons to the right so I can see the whole Zero corner :nya:

    And lastly I can't believe you vecored him sooo good from that crappy&gay&full of text scan.

  4. machimiko Apr 27, 2009

    *squee* Thank you so much making this! This has long been one of my favourite pics of Zero, but it's always had nasy pieces of text all over it. Thanks again!

  5. Kitaan Retired Moderator Apr 27, 2009

    Lol, well you've got me tied...I don't know how to really comment
    since you know all about the lighting and stuff.

    If you want to blend him more consider added a blur layer
    on top and then softlighting it or overlap. Or you can duplicate the vector
    and then change the hues to blue and then softlight it in. Also lowering the brightness on the vector is another way.

    Those iron things must really hurt him, how he can pose
    so nicely with no pain in his face is beyond me...I love the coloring
    and I love how you did the water and blood. Like you mentioned and you know
    I hate Zero, but however I love the gift and thank you so much for working hard on it <3

  6. Susan-chan Apr 27, 2009

    aahw you are lovely <3 and as i said: even if he is not my fav character, the wally is awsome! you always impress me <3
    poor him..so much blood! (and its hard to imagine there kaname you know:D)
    i really cant critisise this..i cant see mistakes XD
    i guess tomorrow i will wear my VK necklace <3

  7. rubenz Apr 27, 2009

    Lovely as usual Sinevar san, and it is for me? Thanx a lot, such a lovely work, and yay for zero xD (love him more than kaname hehe)


  8. divinemelody Apr 27, 2009

    wow thank you so much
    so beautiful
    zero is so sexy :">

  9. Sakura-Dust Apr 27, 2009

    *imagines Kaname*
    Neaah, you made Zero sexy enough to equal Kaname-sama <3
    He's such a hot bishie, showing his emotionless face even pierced and bloody *w*
    I love the way you vector, really =3=
    As usual, fabulous smex... erm, wallie <3

  10. akeedacrest Apr 27, 2009

    If I'm not mistaken, the background is from the anime right? If it true, whoa! A mixture from the manga and also the anime! Cool! You totally dominates VK wallpapers! So, I'm just gonna have to crawl away from any VK vectoring.. =.= X-P

  11. trofikabinet Apr 27, 2009

    Muaaa, Sin-chan, this wall is gorgeous and beyond awesome :D
    Zero is super sexy, your vector is so fabulous. The blood is perfect, so is the effect of rain :)
    I think the bg is well done and it suits great :D Maybe the vector is just a little bit too bright, but is still gorgeous.
    I'm so happy to see this wonderful wall of Zero, I think is absolutely perfect ;)

  12. kit-kat Apr 27, 2009

    The vector is amazing! It's the eyes! Beautiful work! I love seeing your work cause it always makes me want to work on stuff... damn all this work I have to do!

  13. epsilon86 Apr 27, 2009

    Have to fave!

    It is Zero! Love it....You did an amazing job!

  14. uffy-chan Apr 27, 2009

    He he, nice and well-done work as usual.. the glance and the atmosphere is really fascinating
    + FAV

  15. animelover901120 Apr 27, 2009

    Nice one...Really impressive

  16. Cris25 Apr 27, 2009

    Sin-chan is amazing! I love the way you painted his hair! *_*
    The school building behind him is really cool and nice ^^
    Nice wallie :D

  17. kuryuki Apr 27, 2009

    <3 i'm so happy u dedicated this to me
    it's gorgeous
    **bishie *-* **

  18. LuvsHikari39 Apr 28, 2009

    O_O *holds in my mighty scream*

  19. Straawbeeryy Apr 28, 2009

    AHHHHHHHHH! Oh no, my inner fangirl is out of control! OMGZEROOMG. <3
    Of course, you already know your work is pretty. You need to teach me how to paint those water droppings. XO
    I don`t understand how you can`t go insane from vectoring those low quality scans.
    Anyways, isn`t Zero amazing for being able to pose like that with those thing stabbing into him? 8d

  20. Lunariha Apr 28, 2009

    Nyaaaaa! ZERO-sama is <3
    Just looking at him makes me melt... >_<
    Another one of your awesome Zero works, Sin-chan....

  21. Rue-chan Apr 28, 2009

    i love ur dedication to VK because the end results are always as good as this! :)

    btw, you are the VK queen, so anyone else should just not touch VK scans at all! ;)
    hmm... MT should hire you or sumthin... "official VK vector waller!" ;)
    well, no, i think the bg goes really well with this scan! ;) Really creepy.. with blood all over him... *thumbs up*

    aww.. he looks so cute! :)

  22. ShanaFlare Apr 28, 2009

    wow,now this wall is awesome! XD
    not only the vectoring is good,it gives out a great atmosphere^^
    nice work there :D

  23. animanga Apr 28, 2009

    OMFG Zero. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
    lol I love the BG and the blood looks great, but to blend Zero into the BG maybe you could use a bit of a shadow/dark blue colour blend on his far right side so he looks like he's in the night, but it's still AMAZING. XD And you re-drew SO much. o_0 Oh and I really like those pine trees you make. XD So anyway, another fantastic job. :)

  24. Juclecia-san Apr 28, 2009

    love it! LOVE IT!
    I have waited for that scan to become a wallpaper. ^^
    I like the dark background and the vectoring is great as always.

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