The vector/painting is very neat (nice job, Sin!) and I love your BGs!

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Collab~ Kitten + Sinever = Birthday gift for Ani & vitaamin!
Best wishes from Sin and I <3
Sinever has too many VK walls so I decided to take this one.
I don't have the scan she vectored but it was from a small sized image,
she said something about it being rare or something O.o;
So she vectored it and then handed it over to me, took me a few
days to get it done. I started out with of course a better idea of what
I got, I wanted a garden or kinda of a secret place look but I ended up
with a valley look...seems I can't break from making my flower fields, oh the
I worked on the ledged, then moved to the field which before
was actually a river but I failed horribly so I went back to land.
I used white flowers first but Maple suggested a colorful field would work
better so I remade the flowers and then added my grass, blending and ect.
Then moved on to the mountains, which I painted. When I first
started they looked too small, so I redid them and then brightened to where
I liked it.
Then my clouds, I started off with making the puffs with brushes.
The after making my outline of them I painted them to where I was happy
and blended them in. Added a light gradient, red and white to give it a soft
Alternate Versions:
More Resolutions at: EDD! - You want the PNG, talk to Sinever.
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Chloe Retired Moderator Apr 19, 2009
kuryuki Apr 19, 2009
>D i thought it was sin's vector
O-O sky + mountains are purdy
but the fields seems really unmatching -
barara Apr 19, 2009
Amazing! I really like your BG and the vector is very nice (Sin-chan is the best) :)
+fav desu~ -
Pulver15 Apr 19, 2009
Both of you did a great job!
I prefer this version cause the roses seems like they coming out of nowhere
and I think that the bg is totally fine like this ;) -
Sakura-Dust Apr 19, 2009
Don't wanna be harsh but you need a wider variety of background styles >.<"
Other than this, it looks pretty, but the old fashioned sakura trees would've created a better love-love mood.
Nice to see collabs around here, lately everyone's been working on their own ;__; -
trofikabinet Apr 19, 2009
I love the vector so much ( as always Sin-chan is the greatest :) ) but I think the bg looks a bit weird.
The field of flowers is ok, maybe a little bit too blurred, I absolutely like the sky and the mountains. But my first tought was 'what the heck is the blue think?' I know is a river but it looks to straight. I think the border between the land and the river should be a wavy a bit :) I hope you understand what I mean:D But other then this, great job <3 -
CaMiLi Apr 20, 2009
I KNOW IT, I KNOW IT! the sin would vector it! <3<3<3
and the bg looks great as well :) i like it a lot, although i have to say, that i like the pinku sky version more than the current one ^^... good job you both :D i bet vita would run in circles and scream about this wonderful and lovely wallpaper :3 and finally there is my KANAME X YUUKI wall WAHHH ^^ i m sooo happy ^^ -
Sinever Apr 20, 2009
yay finally its here XD
first of all happy birthday vita-chan...ani-chan,may your life be filled with joy & happiness *hugs*
like I said the bg is absolutely beautiful & I liked the Pinku Sky version ^^
to all kanameXyuuki fans, this is probably not my first & last kanayuki wall I will be making more as long as Hino-sensei draws more lovely pictures of them together.....oh & if you need the vector then let me know ^^
+fav -
Susan-chan Apr 20, 2009
finally XD aawh XD yeeee! yuuki and kaname! XDDDD
<3 :D
and now i know whats a bit strange in this wally XD
the daylight XD i usually saw them in twilight/dusk/night scenes XD -
ShanaFlare Apr 20, 2009
wow,the vector is brilliant!
and what about that bg, it match well with the characters^^
great job and thx for sharing :) -
xinmu Apr 20, 2009
To be able to turn a tiny blur image into this beautiful wallie is AWESOME!
Thanks for sharing! :D -
Taja Apr 20, 2009
excellent XD
anamika Apr 20, 2009
The background looks awesome.
Thanks for sharing ^__^ -
ayumi-90 Apr 20, 2009
OMG they are sooo kawaii together. ^^
The wallie is beautiful, great work! Thanks for sharing! ;) -
CaMiLi Apr 20, 2009
Quote by Sineveryay finally its here XD
first of all happy birthday vita-chan...ani-chan,may your life be filled with joy & happiness *hugs*
like I said the bg is absolutely beautiful & I liked the Pinku Sky version ^^
to all kanameXyuuki fans, this is probably not my first & last kanayuki wall I will be making more as long as Hino-sensei draws more lovely pictures of them together.....oh & if you need the vector then let me know ^^
+favFAINTS :D:D:D yaaaay ^^
YukiIce89 Apr 20, 2009
It's simply wonderful! I really like the way you vectored them! (I'm also trying to learn how to vector images ^^)
I like the background too, it's so a quietful view...*__*
It' really a great work! ;) -
Deunun Apr 20, 2009
REally cute ^^
moonescape Apr 21, 2009
this is really wonderful... my talents haven't improved since I had stopped mking wallpapers or anything related to photoshop. ._. not much I can say as I am far behind on my talent and needs to improve so much.
I finally got to touch photoshop only just two weeks ago after 6 months and I almost nearly forgot allthe programs and methods that I used. >.<
vitaamin Apr 21, 2009
ahhhhh omg im so late
but so tired so you guys get a crappy comment
the vector is gorgeous as expected -- omg kaname *_* rape me now
and yay for flower fields !
give me your clouds for my bday next year >D -
YENESIS Apr 21, 2009
X-P Really So BEautiful & Romantic!Kaname & Yuuki Hugs looks a Sweet, wonderful" :)
thank you so much for sharing Sinerver-san & Kitten for this precious and pacefull KanaYuki, Lovely the version with roses
Favs, i like see more Kaname & Yuuki Works! ;) -
skye Apr 22, 2009
gah - so beautiful @_@
i just love the softness of this wallie -
animelover901120 Apr 22, 2009
omg....this is gorgeous....thanks for the share...this is so beautiful...
YoruAngel866 Apr 22, 2009
Sin chan's vector is really beautiful ?
nice background as well, although i can see some blur use problems
the field is way to blured comparing to mountains and river.
You should have blured the mountains as well more so you could get proper distance effect. Just something that cathed my eyes and my sis'
overall nicely done you two :D
p.s. love the clouds :D -
ylopez Apr 24, 2009
i could never tell between them, is it Yuuki and Kaname or thier parents?! either way, its a beautiful wall :D
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