
Green Glass Wallpaper: Hold On

Green Glass Wallpaper
Green Glass Mangaka

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


Okay, so I ended up re-vamping this wallpaper, by just small things. I changed the text, took away a few of the un-needed things and fixed the signature at the bottom.

Hold On"

Ah this wallpaper. It's a first for me using a texture in this light for a wallpaper, but it's become some what of a trend and it attracts me. Green!
Oddly enough, this Green Glass scan was blue, originating from a minitokyo scan, which I have to find the link for again.

Drawing the water - my first time with drawing halfway underwater - came out weird. It looks like water, I guess, until you reach the top; it's just weird, I know. It was supposed to resemble a surrealism type of water, but, well, you can see the water is gross.

I ended up extracting the long folds of her dress and manipulating it to resemble a curtain to add to the window.
Also, yes, I know the water looks funky, and yes, it's in a room - but, look to the lyrics below for reasoning!

Inspired from my current ear-candy favorite, "Hold On" from the Jonas

An empty room can be so loud,
too many tears to drown the out, HOLD ON

This was the inspiration, because I thought that having someone in a drowing room was awfully appropriate, and turning the theme into something literal as well.

The texture, looking at it now, is kinda weird.

In any case, comments and favorites are adored!

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  1. kiolaff Dec 06, 2007

    Hi you :) I like your wallie, most the girl and also the colors and the background texture.

  2. tintalle Dec 07, 2008

    The colors are beautiful. And I like what you did with the texture. Keep up the good work!

  3. Amanda17 Sep 28, 2010

    so pretty! Thanks for the wallpaper! ^__^

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