
Green Glass Wallpaper: Victorian Thoughts

Green Glass Wallpaper
Green Glass Mangaka

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


I used a character from the wonderful group of Green Glass Scans. The scan name is Victorian Japan...that's why I used a similar name for my wallpaper and...because of the scan (which you can see here) it seems like that period of time was difficult and really sad for japanese people, that's why I thought of a woman walking freely in the forest or a garden, like one of the wishes many used to have in that period.

About the wallpaper...I made the background in PhotoshopCS2 and for the effect of the complete image, I used one of the textures filters...I really liked the effect of the filter since it gives the idea of a painting.

I hope you like it!~ n_n

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  1. Saikusa Retired Moderator Jul 12, 2007

    Cute idea, and I like the spotted effect in the 'air'... but lose the filter. It completely destroys any quality of the art, and hurts your eyes.

    Wallpapers are often deleted for filter-whoring, and to be honest I can see that happening here.

  2. sailorcapuccino Jul 12, 2007

    I liked. Very pretty ! Nice work with the wallie, flordeplata-san. I hope seeing more of your work !

  3. maver1ck Jul 14, 2007

    I really liked it. I like the effect and colours ^^ nice work .. Flordplata. Hope you would post more wallpapers.

  4. Gallopia Jul 18, 2007

    Sorry for my late reply, flordeplata-san ^_^'
    The effect for the picture is good :)
    The girl's feet seems to suddenly disappear and the umbrella the place she hold camouflage with the plant stem , so my advice to u is to change the colour of the umbrella stick (sorry about the stick ^_^' ), i think blue or red would standout ;)
    The feet part , if the black colour is a shadow then i think u should put it on one side like the light effect , shine on one side the other side is a shadow ;)
    Overall is a beautiful art piece XD
    Good job XD

  5. Amanda17 Sep 28, 2010

    so pretty! Thanks for the wallpaper! ^__^

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