OMG this is so beautiful! So detailed and truly an amazing vector. It looks like a hand-made valentine card! I LOVE THIS WALLAPAPER! Good work!
Artist Comment
me: deeeedddd .............. x_x
Ok, this was suecide. Who made me make this?!?! And to prowe to ma yet again that I was a "genius", I even vectored the brushes. I am an idiot. Why can't I use brushes the normal way? Why?
Ok, enought wimpering ... This took me about a week to make. The girl I made in about a day and 1/2 and the rest ... I don't want to talk about it.
The brushes I ruined by re-vectoring them were from Designfruit. The sun rays were some brushes that I dind't vector (the thing that posesed me must have left me be at that time) were from ... somevere around the net. Most probably from deviantART but I'm not sure.
Ok. This is the first time I try something more abstract so give me some feedback. My real intention was to vector the tree as well (the scan I used can be found right here - beautifull, is it not - many thenks to [member=sakuisa] for the scan), but that would have ment to much work and I didn't feel well enough to make it as well, so I got stuk with simplear things (I am still a litle ill so I couldn't pay great attention to detales).
What did I try to do? ~ well, in the background (blue cirlce is winter and she is steping more in spring to say it so (yes, early Valentine). I'm not good at explaining so use one's imaginationes.
Where did I ghet the idea from? ~ basicaly nowere. It just poped up like this.
How did I keep my patience up? ~ ... I have abselutely no idea ... But I always litlen to music while I work so it wouldn't seme too long. This time I have been listening to Secret Garden (I adore their music <3 )
Where are the lyrics from? ~ The lyrics are from the song "Greenwaves" interpreted by the Irish-Norwegian duo, Secret Garden. The melody is not exactely one of my very faves, but I likes the lyrics. :)
How long did I work on this? ~ hard to estimate. Taking out the days I was ill and the couple of days I was away ... about 6 maby 7 days (I can't be more exact that this)
Personal reasons for making it? ~ yes. This is a late b-day present for my wonderfull little buble-bee cousin, Melissa who just entered 5th grade. Happy (late) b-day, Mell! [N/A: The reason I call her bumble-bee is because she is just too sweet ... and when I checked out the emaning of her name it happened to be "bumble-bee"]
Groups? ~ you can bet. Here are some of the wonderfull groups I'm in:
Now that all of this is over, I would like to thenk my dear old friends: Photoshop and mouse for all their halp. Thenk you guys!
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sailorchiron Aug 20, 2007
MapleRose Retired Moderator Aug 20, 2007
ah I love Secret Garden, and I love that song. However, I don't think this wall fits the lyrics too well. Yes she's dancing and free, but the whole song is about green waves, and I don't see any green XD
Nice vector, I like the textures on it too, but I'm not too fond of the background. It feels too crowded, all those brushes and shapes and words around the corners, that the main character gets lost in them. Also, the decorations feel really random, and don't connect with the character, the pose, or the theme (in fact, if anything, they distracts you from the character). :\ I'd much rather have just the blue circle, the girl, and a plain background that doesn't take away your attention.
Also, I don't mind the colour choices, but it seems like you're trying to make it limited palette, in which case, that yellow bit on her dress and the oranges on her sleeve are totally unnecessary, and again, takes away the unity of the piece.
and is she jumping into the circle or getting out? 'cause it looks like she's saying goodbye to the redness and going into the blue winter :\
Sinever Aug 21, 2007
gorgeous XD
I really love your walls :D ther are so pretty :)
the vector is well done & the idea of your wall is awesome :)
the colors are fabulous & the bg is well vectored XD
well done girl :D its a *Very Good* Highlight ;)
+fav & get well soon okay ;) -
moonescape Aug 21, 2007
I thought the outlines of the abstraction was very nice. I mean the outlines of the hearts and etc are very smooth and straight. :D
True of what MapleRose said, the problem of the wallpaper must be because it feels crowded. The small texts for the background disrupts it. :/ There needs to be some simplicity because copy and psting those abstract you use. :o I do love the blue circle thing there because it is the opposite colour of red, but another problem is the lyrics say green, but I don't see green too. XD
xevinale Aug 21, 2007
wow, looks nice. maybe you should go pro? ;)
I really mean it when i sy that is't nice! -
silencex Aug 21, 2007
wow this is a fantastic wall! great work
DarthTofu Aug 21, 2007
HOLY SWEET JESUS. even the brushes were vectored? you are insane. xDDD
It looks really awesome, though. -
Fran Retired Moderator Aug 23, 2007
Lovely wallpaper.
I like the contrast of the colors but well, I think it's way too crowded.
Excellent vector, by the way.
Keep it up -
dtsuki Aug 26, 2007
OMG! Very beautiful!
8ddd -
Odeena Aug 29, 2007
o.O Wow, I can see you put a LOT of work into it... *bows* *worships*
Saikusa Retired Moderator Oct 20, 2007
Very nice, but...
EDIT your title.
We explicitly ask that you DO NOT give your titles stupid additions like ... ~ *'* Wallpaper Name *'* ~ ...
priincess Mar 17, 2008
amazing vector^^
Gladis Apr 14, 2009
l like it + thank you so much
merged: 04-15-2009 ~ 03:48pm
cool pic. love the design -
porupo706 Oct 26, 2009
This wall is nicely done This wall is nicely done
theremosster Feb 04, 2010
this is a very nice wallpaper
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