
You Kousaka: You Khosaka ~ Marissa's Angel

You Kousaka, Original, Stationery
You Kousaka Mangaka Original Source Stationery Source


My Personal Scan

Long story short, I was asked if I had a high quality version of this You Khoska image. At the time I didn't, but I managed to find it on eBay and so now here it is...

Happy Belated birthday!

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  1. Lady-Lotus Aug 25, 2006

    OMG! jawdrop! this is so pretty. So many details, I don't know where to start! I love the prints on the kimono, very gorgeous. Love the long hair and i like the title for this one also. I fits really well.

  2. selimangagirl Aug 24, 2006

    Wow! I like this picture a lot! Her kimono is amazing and her wings, really beautiful ^^
    Thanks a lot for sharing this with us!

  3. nolove Aug 25, 2006

    waaa how touch...O_______0
    what an amazing scan
    it....someone must turn it into a wall becoz it;s too beautiful >_<

  4. Angi Retired Moderator Aug 25, 2006

    oh gosh what a beautiful angel
    love the dressing and the colors!
    the eyes of the girl at the back are great
    nice scan

  5. biggsyke Aug 26, 2006

    Wow this is nice. great find and thanks for the share!

  6. Kabura Aug 26, 2006

    OH! I love her wings! They are cute!

  7. pegassuss Aug 26, 2006

    Beautiful image! ^^ The design of the characters are lovely. The design, the pattern of her clothes are really beautiful. I love the wings and the falling of the hair. Flowers are beautiful as well as the water feeling. And I love the coloring. Really beautiful scan saikusa! Thanks for sharing! ^.^

  8. AngelKate Aug 26, 2006

    Wow O_O Someone seriously has to wall this. I've never heard of You Kohsaka but the artwork is just gorgeous. I love all the details on her kimono. Thanks for sharing this lovely scan.

  9. Emma Aug 27, 2006

    Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

  10. CosmoStar Aug 27, 2006

    This is pretty. I really enjoyed the kimono the angle lady is using! It's so detailed! Amazing! All those designs are stunning, this is very beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. ForbiddenGoddess Aug 28, 2006

    Amazing, just amazing.
    Much thanks for sharing :D

  12. IzumiChan Aug 28, 2006

    So beautiful. :)
    The one in the top looks like a guy to me... are you sure this isn't a ''couple scan''? XD
    As everybody said, it is indeed amazing. Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. animanga Sep 09, 2006

    Absolutely gorgeous! Just amazing, walling right now. ;)

  14. Milkiyo Sep 21, 2006

    I was attracted to the scan when I saw animanga walling it and I must see the actual one ;) she was right, I'm about to have a fit too lol, this scan is just lovely, from the pattern hands down to the artistic characters.

  15. lthnadml Oct 02, 2006

    ohhh what a beautiful angel . . . and her kimono is ust awesome *steals and run away* ^_^'
    Thanks! XD XD XD

  16. Zetman Dec 23, 2006

    Her kimono looks her like she is not real . . . like she will be dissarear in the next moment! Thanks you! :D

  17. Bumble-Bee Feb 09, 2007

    Beautiful girl! And BTW, why do you give "Marissa's Angel" as the title?
    Is it the name of the girl?

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