This is so cute image . . . their clothes are so strange yet very beautiful . . . thank you for the share! :D

My Personal Scan
This was a nightmare to clean up as the lines on the reverse side of the sheet were visible through the image. So if you see any dull lines across the picture then I deeply apologise. This is a cute, and almost ecchi image from Eureka 7 as drawn by Raspbery Putty's You Khosaka.
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Zetman Apr 10, 2006
toonmaker Apr 10, 2006
Wow it is really cute ! +fav
kohikki Apr 11, 2006
That's so cute! awesome.
lthnadml Apr 11, 2006
Very cute . . . the clothes looks so interesting! . . . Thanks a lot for sharing it with us! XD XD XD
Sapphire Apr 13, 2006
Nice scan :D
IzumiChan Apr 14, 2006
It looks so cute, I loved how super-kawaii they look! XD
The girl's outfit's look very pretty ^_^
But say... why ''almost ecchi?'' :o
Their skirts are not that short... are they? o.O
Thanks for sharing! XD -
CosmoStar Apr 15, 2006
What cute characters! The boys have such bright expresions and the girls are wearing such cute outfits!
I understand your "almost ecchi" but I can think that this detail can be leaved behind. Thisis very sweet!
Thanks a lot for sharing!
But I miss so much the FF scans T-T (X-P)... -
volrath77 Apr 16, 2006
Nice. You did a good clean up of the pic. The reverse side is not visible. The same with the dull lines you mentioned. Even if they do appear, I don't think they will negatively impact the pic.
RikkaXx Apr 21, 2006
Wowm this wallies is so natural and gorgeous. The way everything fit together, just amazing. Great job and thanx u 4 sharing it (*^_-*)
MrsBloomie May 20, 2006
Great quality as always. :D I don't see these lines u talk about so u must have done a great job.
I recently started watching Eureka 7, XD so I hope it will be worth it to watch. <3 the detail of their hair n everything looks so clean n cute..!Thanks a lot for sharing~! :D
shindouhikaru Sep 08, 2006
Nice finding of the picture. It's one great scan. I love how the characters were drawn, however keeping in mind the world they're put, it's scary. Looks like they're all helpless against the fate they've been put on. So personally, I think this kind of cuteness only good for the eyes and not for the real story itself.
Anyway, I like it.
namayato111 Dec 04, 2006
i really like this pic its really cute i like all the characters in this pic even though anamenai is really crazy in the anime
ookamisan Dec 16, 2006
i love it
do you know where i could get some pics of Dominic? -
Sandman1 Feb 15, 2007
It looks like a picture from very early on in the series I Like it Nice job cleaning it up and thanks for taking so much time just to share with the rest of us thanks.
kiraorsora Nov 24, 2009
It is totally different from the original one.
However, i like it cuz it was cute lol -
RayyL Dec 09, 2009
The girls are so cute, they have such contrasting hair.
Furiz Feb 24, 2010
now that smth for a change
a real CHANGE :)
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