
You Kousaka: You Khosaka ~ Musical Girls

You Kousaka, Original, Stationery
You Kousaka Mangaka Original Source Stationery Source


My Personal Scan

Here's a pretty little piece of original art from Raspberry Putty. Girl's in band uniforms somehow look both smart and incredibly cute... although I can't imagine those two instruments making a very good harmony ^.^'

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  1. Fenafir Retired Moderator Apr 12, 2006

    This scan is very beautiful and I love it! Thanks for sharing this and the others done by this artist!

  2. toonmaker Apr 13, 2006

    Wow this scan is really nice! Both girls are cuties! ! ! And they are musical fans ! ! ! The girl with the red hair is very very cuTe!

  3. lthnadml Apr 13, 2006

    A biolin! I just love the sound that violin make . . . beautiful image! Thank you very much for the sharing! XD XD XD

  4. moonelf313 Apr 13, 2006

    I love the violin...do you know of any animes or manga with violins? I play it and just love it sooo...thanks so much for sharing the scan!

  5. IzumiChan Apr 14, 2006

    So cute! *__*
    Yeah, I guess that they're not the perfect musical match... But trying different stuff won't hurt, ne? ^_^'
    Maybe it sounds good, who'd know? XD
    Thanks for sharing! ;O

  6. CosmoStar Apr 15, 2006

    The violinist is very beautiful... This imag looks so faded with an interesting antique look.
    I wonder that if this is a stationary why there are so little space to write on? X-P I think I'd not like to write in such a pretty pic though...
    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  7. kouzen Feb 10, 2007

    cute cute! i like her ribbons!

  8. ngotaudixemay Feb 19, 2011

    Nice scan. Two girls with two different expression. Very interesting.
    Thanks for sharing.

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