
You Kousaka: You Khosaka ~ Howl's Moving Castle

You Kousaka, Howl's Moving Castle, Howl Jenkins, Heen, Calcifer
You Kousaka Mangaka Howl's Moving Castle Series,OVA Howl Jenkins Character Heen Character Calcifer Character


My Personal Scan

What's better than gorgeous doujinshi stationery? Why, gorgeous doujinshi stationery based on a Studio Ghibli film, of course! OX I wasn't sure whether to buy this, but it really is so pretty when you look at it up close.

Here are all the main characters from the wonderful animated feast that is Howl's Moving Castle as drawn by Raspberry Putty's talented artist You Khosaka.

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  1. selimangagirl Apr 15, 2006

    Wonderful! This picture is really beautiful!

  2. IzumiChan Apr 16, 2006

    *looks at the scan*
    [fangirl mode/on]
    OMG! O___O
    I loved this movie so much! And they all look so so cute! *___*
    Sophie looks like an anime girl! (Hey, that's a strange thing to say... -_- )
    And and... Calcifer looks so little! >_< (I know, he has always been like that...)
    And Turnip, and the boy, (forgot his name -_- ) and even the dog! (he's the only one that looks exactly the same as in the movie ^_^' )
    Loved this scan so so much! *__*
    Thank you very very much for sharing! ^o^
    [fangirl mode / off. -_-]

  3. volrath77 Apr 16, 2006

    Certainly not Tukiji Nao's but close. His/her work seems to be a bit muted in terms of colours but still good.

  4. toonmaker Apr 16, 2006

    Very cute scan! Lovely poses ! Thanks for sharing !

  5. lthnadml Apr 19, 2006

    They are very cute! I really like that small old dog! ^_^' Look at him, his moustache are soooo big! ^_^'
    Anyway, thank a lot for the share! XD XD XD

  6. CosmoStar Apr 22, 2006

    Very nice indeed! The picture is very bucolic and I loved the dog! The colors are so smooth and so pleasant, and Howls is looking great here...
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. suisei- Apr 23, 2006

    The hissing dog! And, GOSH, everybody's just so cuute! x3
    I love you saikusa. xD
    Thanks for sharing~!

  8. Zetman Apr 25, 2006

    That is so lovely and funny too . . . that scarecrow is so cute! :D And what is this fire-something? Looks so cute! ^_^'
    Thanks for the sharing! :D

  9. Kukuru May 11, 2006

    Aha now this is more like it :) Again, another gorgeous piccy - where did you find these, I've never seen them before. I just watched the movie again and thought I would check out the Howl's Moving Castle section here at MT, and I'm so glad I did.

    Hehe Calcifier looks so kawaii!

  10. psychodeedee May 11, 2006

    real cute :x
    :nya: [ads 2 favs]

  11. Sallyf322 May 17, 2006

    This art's impressive! 0_0 It's really surprising to see such art for doujinshi stationary...considering Tukiji Nao's art and now You Khosaka's...0_0 I just love the soft colors and the adorable characters of Howl's ^-^

  12. Fran Retired Moderator Jun 02, 2006

    *fangirl sream*
    Howl Howl Howl!
    Damn Hot!
    Must add to favs!
    Great scan saikusa-san
    Sophie looks so cute!
    Kabu, love him...I love extra characters XD
    Definitely a fav
    Thanks for sharing this !

  13. khiro Jun 07, 2006

    Amazingly goregous *_* Thank you so much for sharing this! It's so awesome <3

  14. zoey89 Jul 19, 2006

    everyone looks so awesome in this scan! >.< i have to say this (nobody take offense please) but they look so much beter than the ones Miyazaki drew...is it bad to say this? but anyways...thanks for sharing ^.^

  15. nemuikoneko Sep 16, 2006

    *_* Preetyfullness~

  16. senchan Nov 19, 2006

    The art is so beautiful! Thanks for scanning :D

  17. deedeezel Jan 31, 2007

    this is definitely one of his finest works of art!

  18. auraderecca Feb 02, 2007

    WOw, i love this anime, and i love this image! Thanks for putting this on! its a +Fav for me. nice nice nice... i wana own one too..

  19. kouzen Feb 10, 2007

    ah..this howl looks so cute and young! omg..love him more! XD

  20. yukiyo Aug 14, 2007

    AH! +____+! thank you so much for ze share!

    Howl's Moving Castle = yukiyo's latest fetish OX <3

  21. purple Dec 18, 2007

    Pretty! Everyone looks cute, even Calcifer who's supposed to be scary as a fire demon. Wouldn't ind having him around the house. :)

  22. Hikari87 Feb 04, 2008

    Beautiful~~ <3<3 Thank you!

  23. Akikorose Sep 09, 2009

    This doujinshi is absolutley beautiful ?

  24. sayamania Sep 24, 2009

    Lovely marcle

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