I have seen this picture before, but it was smaller... I love this character of CLAMP... Suu is really sweet and I cried
a lot with this manga...
Thank you for sharing. I am going to add it to my favorites...
My Personal Scan
This was the image that tempted me into purchasing some of the You Khosaka doujinshi stationery. It's so sweet, beautiful, and innocent. Not only does it capture the spirit of CLAMP's beautiful (yet sadly unfinished) series, but it's still in their own artistic style. I love it; I hope you do too...
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selimangagirl Apr 09, 2006
cyd84 Apr 09, 2006
I love the soft painted quality of the image...a cute twist on the CLAMP artwork that's beautiful and sweet
rica-san Apr 10, 2006
Beautiful indeed! Clamp's artworks are just very smooth, soft, & touching, especially on this one! The bg is also very beautiful.. Thanks for sharing, Sai-chan! +fav!
GoodnightAndGo Apr 10, 2006
Wow, this is beautiful art. Definitely love the soft colors. I'm not too familiar with Clamp, but I've seen a few illustrations from him and their pretty good. I have to say though, the reason why I agree with his illustrations is because no one has his style.
phamthuha Apr 10, 2006
WOW! I am looking for a high resolution ^_^ Thank you Saikusa-sab ;)
Zetman Apr 10, 2006
Lovely girl! I like her wings! They are awesome! I like the soft colors and the background is very beautiful! :D
pegassuss Apr 10, 2006
This is really really beautiful. The artwork is very cute, I love her childish face and I love how it is Suu but with a different style. Coloring is excellent, really beauctiful. Thanks for sharing these lovely scans.
moonelf313 Apr 10, 2006
Beautiful scan again! I loved Clover and this one is just too Cute! Thanks so much for sharing this scan as well...I sure wish Clamp would finish some of thier series up... :sweat:
toonmaker Apr 10, 2006
Nice scan! Its so cute! + fav
lthnadml Apr 11, 2006
Pretty cool . . . nice atmospere and smooth colors . . . her wings is just beautiful! Thank you! XD XD XD
Milkiyo Apr 13, 2006
whoa..the wings...
very stylish in a subtle way.. :P I know next to zilch about the series even though they seemed very interesting haha....
now this scan really makes me regret not watching it :X -
ROSEANA Apr 14, 2006
it's very lovely ...
thank you^o^ -
IzumiChan Apr 14, 2006
I totally understand you... if I saw this image, I'd also be tempted to buy anything that had it! XD
I've seen some images of this Clamp work... but never heard any more of it. How come it was unfinished? Why? :o
Anyway, very nice scan. She looks even cuter here than on the original Clamp's >.<
Thanks for sharing! ;D -
CosmoStar Apr 15, 2006
This Clover reproduction scan is indeed pretty! So delicated and the colors are so pleasant! I liked the birds so much...
Thanks a lot for sharing! -
volrath77 Apr 16, 2006
Very, very nice. I didn't know that Clover was an unfinished series. Still, the artwork should be a worthy addition to the series. Thanks for sharing it here.
Kabura Apr 16, 2006
I would definitively write a nice letter with this scan. :D
chichiri1907 Apr 23, 2006
Im def. going to make a wall from this (hopeflly i wont screw up)
Its so beautiful and enchanting!
Frosty Apr 26, 2006
hmm... interesting.. lol... I'm thinking of adding this pic to a list of desktop walls that I will be making.. XD
hmm... and I think the wing just gave me an idea on how to draw something... lol... XD
hmm.. how am I typing out my thoughts... XD oh wells.. +fav
I'm using this for a wall.. call it.. *hope no one will beat me to it* XD -
animanga Apr 26, 2006
Gorgeous scan! I'd love to wall it, actually it's what I've been looking for. ^^
Thanx for this lovely scan!
Fave, of course -
Marcy Apr 28, 2006
Thanksss -
MrsBloomie May 31, 2006
So Clover is an unfinished manga? I didn't knew that. >_> I read it n it was pretty confusing but still I loved it. <3
I am totally fascinated with the wings n the birds. It's really well done n beautiful. <3 how the artists can create those folds on clothes n her's is no exception.
I really like it. It captures the essence of Clover except this one shows a rather more lively n happy girl.Definitely +Fav. :D
CaMiLi Jun 14, 2006
kyaaaaaaaaaah,.. i love your scans,... omg they're so cuuuute,...just want mooore
cisnehyoga Jul 25, 2006
realmente me asgradaron los colores, las alas estan muy bien disenadas muy originales, al igual la coreografia me encanto, felicidades
mikko87 Sep 11, 2006
ooooh wonderfull scan.. make my eyes open wide lkie this... 0_0 haha... thx for sharing ^^
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