Wow! Not bad! I like this simple wall! :D
The ribbons around Sakura are definatly my fav part! ^____^
Cute job! ;)
1280x960 Wallpaper
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Wow! Not bad! I like this simple wall! :D
The ribbons around Sakura are definatly my fav part! ^____^
Cute job! ;)
Hi! is soo cute your wallie! the bg is really cool ;) ! good work and keep charing :)
Have I told you that I love this costume? *O*
And there is Sakura-chan in the back too! *O*
by the way, the pic I used in my wallpaper! ^-^
I loved the magic background that turned out...
and oh my God!
I can't even imagine me doing that ribbons with the pen tool! >.<
I'm awful with it... =P
Very cute job!
Congratulations! ;)
+ Fav for me! ^-^
*set as background*
A very awesome wall aqiaqua-chan
i love the song purachina and this wall as well
love how u made her wand glow also the fractal brushes u used
a fave from me
ooh, very nice. ^_^ I like what you did with her staff. :) The ribbons look nice, I know using the pen tool is hard. >.< Nice job!
this wallie seems elegant in a way ^^
Wow The pinkish background goes great with Sakura! ^_^ Its simple, but lovely! ^_^ Keep it up!
So sweet and so pink!
I like your wall and God! don't say it's "simple"! I can see see that you definitely worked hard on
it and the final result was worth it ^_^
--->good extracting, good blending, fitting bg; what else can I say? Great job with it and... +fav! ^_~
Great wally
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The Wallpaper of Card Captor Sakura is really pretty
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