Amazing! Your wallie looks really magical! *_____*
I love the cute stars in the background! ^^
Nice job on this wallie! :D I really like it! ^____^
Keep it up! ;)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Minnasan! \o/
Well, this time I decided to make another wallpaper of Sakura-chan...
I just love her! ^-^
In fact, this wallie is an old dream... because the first time I ever saw this image, I decided to do a wallie, but
didn't have the certain inspiration...
Well, the last weekend, I had! XD
I really think the pink is the color that fits Sakura best, because she's so sweet, and it reminds of her name and
to tell you the truth, I didn't make this background for Sakura's image, but I liked the result!
You can see stars behind her and levaes flying out with the wind...
I tried to make this "windy" atmosphere... no big secrets here... ^-^
As always, you should tell me if it really is that cute! ;)
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Amazing! Your wallie looks really magical! *_____*
I love the cute stars in the background! ^^
Nice job on this wallie! :D I really like it! ^____^
Keep it up! ;)
i can summerize how i feel about this in two words. awsome job.
I really loved Sakura's third op, the animation sequence really impressed me. I adore this outif, in particular.
You're right: If there's one color to Sakura-chan, that would be pink. :)
The wallie looks great: dreamy, soft and yeah, cute. :D
I just think that the foggy effect is a little too strong over her: she deserved a little more highlight on the wall.
Good job, I loved it. ^.^
Sakura is so cute ^_^
Very cute and simple ^^. The image is slightly grainy though. It's a lovely wallie otherwise :D. Keep it up ^o^v
such a wonderful pic!
Cute Sakura chan and dreaming color~~~
sakura look so dreammy
wowww Wonderful . Wallpaper is pinkii . It is very sweet . ohhh Dream Sakura wallpaper . I really love pink colour of
wallpaper . >v< . Better wallpaper . It is very beautiful .
thank you for Dream Sakura wallpaper . It is very sweet pink .
Fabluous! That is awesome!
This is very dreamy! Indeed, this is beautiful. I liked teh bg a lot, the combination of pink and white it's one of
my favs! I liked the stars brushed you used.
I would only liked to add that, although the text looks very well positioned, I think that without the text this would
look more neat...
Congrats for this beautiful work!
That is really elegant! Kawii!
Very Cute!
Very Pink!
i love it!
The Wallpaper of Card Captor Sakura is really Beatutifull
Beautiful wall
thanks a lot :)
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