
War of Genesis III Wallpaper: Magna Carta

Hyung-Tae Kim, War of Genesis III, Beramode Wallpaper
Hyung-Tae Kim Mangaka War of Genesis III Game Beramode Character

1027x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The scan belongs to Magna Carta Series. Her position is wierd but it looks fine.

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  1. toxictea23 Jun 22, 2005

    hmm if the scan was extracted properly im sure it would look better then it does right now^.^

  2. Lenne Jul 03, 2005

    Hm..,not a bad wall.I like the effects and the colors as well.
    Keep it up! :) ;)

  3. Phoegon Aug 07, 2005

    The scan looks pretty well-extracted compared to a lot of others. Quite crisp, actually.

  4. Yue-Horrishino Aug 09, 2005

    Great Wall, ... but it's a gye and i think it's from War of Genesis III, not Magna Carta...
    Isn't it?

    But stilll a great walll
    Congrats Darth Aya

    Yue Horrishino

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