
War of Genesis III Wallpaper: Wastelands

Hyung-Tae Kim, War of Genesis III, Saladin Wallpaper
Hyung-Tae Kim Mangaka War of Genesis III Game Saladin Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Fourth Wallpaper! Title: Wastelands .

I basically came up with the idea of doing this wallpaper by playing the good old Fallout 2, which inspired me to draw a sort of deserted, post-nuclear apocalyptic scenario :) . After that the ideas were beginning to be clear in my mind: I wanted to draw a place desolated, forgotten, where only a man is wandering, seeking for food, seeking for water, seeking for someone... or maybe just seeking for a place to die.

The painful part of this wallie is obviously the background, especially the destroyed buildings. To get that kind of thing I had to start from a stock photo of Miami's skyline that I found at stock-xchng, then I started erasing parts, redrawing shadows, recolouring the skyscrapers and so on, and after 3/4 hours I finally got that result :) .

Then it was the desert turn, but it was easier since I used an other piece of a stock photo which I cell-shaded to get a "toon" effect on it, and then I brushed some air and sand all over the dunes to give idea of the wind blowing from the right.

Last the sunset sky, it was the easiest part of the background, took me like half an hour. Then I started looking for a good character that would fit this background and I found this saladin guy from War of Genesis which is perfect :) .

Total time spent: about 7+ hours
Total layers: 30+


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  1. kiri-chan Mar 12, 2005

    Amazing..you don't really deserve to be in the MTn00bclub (I'm the admin of that group) =P I've really got no criticism for this. The scene is pieced together perfectly.

  2. rocknroll-isgo Mar 13, 2005

    Wow, you keep impressing me with these walls. You did a fantastic job with the BG but my favorite detail is the destroyed buildings. Your talent with editing pictures really shows. The lone bird, driftwood, wasteland... they all make the scene come together into a very nice piece.

    Man, I'm usually really picky when it comes to favoriting things, but I think I'm gonna have to fav. another one of your walls. ;) Great job!

  3. biriwilg Retired Moderator Mar 13, 2005

    This is incredible. I would consider this a great wallpaper from anyone, and this is just your fourth. Honestly, I'm impressed. Keep up the awesome work, you have some real talent.

  4. MuZ0NaZ Mar 13, 2005

    what?! its your fourth wall?! damn >_< *bows down to l33t skillz* you know, i think the bg alone would be even better without the scan :) totaly wub the desert "toon shading" but the buildings...

  5. kaolla-kake Mar 13, 2005

    Shinn-san!! I'm so jealous of ur 1337 sk177z!! You're wallies are just so perfect!! I can't believe this is only your 4th one!! I love the background so much...It's so beautiful and it gives you that desolate feeling...Like you're lost...I LOVE IT! And it helps aLOT that I love WOG! What programs do you use (I don't think it'd matter if I cuz I'd still be all...not good at wallies). This is definately going under my favorites! C ya!!


  6. Rella Mar 13, 2005

    Ooh, this wallpaper looks awesome. I love the whole scene and the colors are wonderful. Well done yet again!

  7. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Mar 13, 2005

    Im agree with kiri,biri and MuZ,the work with the desert is amazing,also the buildings(some ppl wont notice them,but they look awesome),this work make u breathless,is amazing the blend between each part,almost look like you made the whole background from nothing,i dont have to say nothing more,is a fav,and with things like this,i just want to improve each moment

  8. tiantito Mar 13, 2005

    great idea+ great scene+great waller=awesome wall
    great job here
    i like the way u wrote the letters "in the sand"
    the effects look really cool but how did you do the threes or at least whats left of them....

  9. chingetscook Mar 13, 2005

    Unreal for 7+ hours work, I could bang my head against an image editor for 7 years and not turn out something that good. Talent! I just can't stop faving your work.

  10. Susan-chan Mar 13, 2005

    amazing!! the bulidings!!, the sky, the desert and the charchter fits the bg^^ definately a fav^^

  11. gogoyubari Mar 13, 2005

    Wow! Nice work! Beautiful!! Congratulations for this one! ^_^

  12. Kiako Mar 13, 2005

    great wallpaper
    i like the ideea for the sign. the scenary is nice as is its atmosphere.
    keep up the good work

  13. darkwaterbunny Mar 13, 2005

    Whoa, like everyone else said, awsome wallpaper. You really do have a lot of talent, you it well. I personally am a sky person, and wow, you did a great job with it! Not the type of sky that everyone seems to be making these days. The broken buildings really do look lovely ^_^. Great job editing this image! Nice work here, yay for birds! +Fav

  14. Asahi Mar 14, 2005

    thats cool ! like the effect with the font ! the desert scenery is amazing, the buildings suits very well in the background. only the bird is to much black in my eyes..

    fav for you *__* !!

  15. semanga Mar 14, 2005

    that looks so good boy
    you show us again that you are a great waller
    i love your bg work and i love the scan which you have use for this wall
    Saladin is my fav guy from war of genises III
    thank you for this great wall sweety
    hugs you very much and add this great work to my fav ^^

  16. ocelotisun Mar 14, 2005

    Amazing work... It looks like you painted all the scenery... Very impressive... :D
    I must say that the part that I most love is the buildings and how the light reflects on them...
    Keep up the good work ShiNN84... You're very talented... :hug:
    See you later...

  17. asianspirit Mar 15, 2005

    cool wallie, shin! this reminds me of a job i once had. i was supposed to keep this garden green and lively; turned out to become a dusty garden. with shockingly looks the background. XD

    the reason why i'm sharing this because the background looks all too real. excellent! ;)

  18. anji Mar 16, 2005

    This is a really cool background indeed!
    The buildings are awesome:D
    Really like the atmosphere in general.
    The writing fit well in this, I like it a lot.
    And the scan is really cool too.
    Add this to fav....

  19. AngieTenshi Mar 20, 2005

    Amazing wallpaper! It all looks perfect, specially the destroyed buildings and the way you made the text look like it's written on the ground. Definitely a favorite for me. Great job!

  20. motoko Mar 29, 2005

    A peace of art!!! This wall deserves more favz :!
    I go add my contribution to your work right now!
    keep up the good (gorgeous) work!!! XD

  21. hykyit Mar 31, 2005

    Wow~!! This impressed me alright!! Everything looked so real!! You did a really great job on the sands!! Love it!! ^^

  22. crossfusion Apr 07, 2005

    woah this is so freakin awesome. who cares what my parents are freakin saying!!!!!!!!!

  23. LucyXlostangelwings Apr 08, 2005

    ahhhhh.......this is extremely detailed and expressive! What I especially like about this is that , unlike other walls which just features a character over a background, it focuses more on the scene. The realism of it is just indescribable. I really haven't seen another wall like this....very unique! I think this portrays a more serious mood. The calm and relaxed colors suggests this. :D Also I like to add, good work with the title...seems so real like it's been cut into the dry ground. Man! Everything....is just so flawless!! XD You really are talented....I see it in your other walls too. Great work with this!! *adds to favs*

  24. irian Apr 12, 2005

    This is such an original and impressive work. I really like the buildings on the back, they are so detailed and greatly contribute to the sort of apocalyptic feeling. And the birds above them - really ominous.

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