
War of Genesis III Wallpaper: The Day The World Went Away

Hyung-Tae Kim, War of Genesis III, Beramode, Saladin Wallpaper
Hyung-Tae Kim Mangaka War of Genesis III Game Beramode Character Saladin Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

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Bleh, the thumbnail looks horrible XD . Gah, decided I wanted to go big an made the wall 1600x1200 size to further show all the little details and holy crap what a lot of work XD . In full view you can see all the details of the clouds and the islands. I worked on this while typing up my final essay paper for my anthropology 104 class. A bit of an off and on approach, but I managed to do both in 8 hours XD . Skillz or something XD .

Anyway, I saw this scan and knew that I had to expand upon it. I saw a challenge and knew I had to act upon it ... I like challenges. I like creating walls out of images others have deemed impossible to use :nya: . The initial background contained aspects of islands and a general breaking apart of the scenery, but I chose to expand upon the level of destruction. I tweaked the coloring of the scan a bit because the original brown coloring was lacking. Adjusted hues, contrasts, and whatnot ... and changed the lighting in certain areas a bit. Orange and white coloring turned out to work quite well and complimented the mood I was trying to achieve.

After much brushwork and image extendeding in the style of the original scan, out popped another large island and many clouds. Luckily, I was able to just recycle the small islands of the original scan :) . The island to the left that has broken-down constructed pillars and signs of the mass destruction inflicted upon it, as seen from the ground breaking away at the top. The clouds are meant to be crazy and stormlike, swirling about in an incomprehensionable fashion, almost in a manner that makes it appear as though they are supporting the wandering islands.

The theme is obviously the "end of the world" or more over it's aftermath. Gravity has been thrown off and pieces of the planet are breaking off and ascending into the atmosphere or remain stuck in a paradox state floating endlessly. The survivors have no choice, but to live off of the new form of thier planet and look out into the unknown future ahead of them. Birds fly by showing that they are not alone on their quest for survival, but that maybe there is some hope.

Specs of Wall:
Time Taken: 8 Hours
Layers: 34 Layers
Created With: Adobe Photoshop
Techniques Used: Re-CGing, CGing, Light Effects, Brushwork, Image Extension
Scan Source: Minitokyo
Aspiring Mafia Plug:
Member: VagrantDreamer
Wall: Yellow Buzz
Reason: Tech is yummy and I want to eat this wall. Good use of form and lines in all it's yellow glory.

The end of the world has always been fun time for for me :nya: .

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  1. knightstar3 Jun 10, 2005

    wow!!!! o_O
    cool bg and effects!!!! XD
    the characters look cool and awesome too!!! :D
    great wall, thanx for sharing!! =)

  2. Koujisama Jun 10, 2005

    Sugoi background looks awesome cool and that girl really great :)
    This wallpaper is fantastic just incredible ^_^

  3. SharinganKnight Jun 10, 2005

    amazing job at reconstructing the missing part of the background, very nice indeed

  4. DarkCrimson Jun 10, 2005

    Oh awesome looking War of Genesis Wall from you my friend.
    I really love the Background.The Colors you used are fit great.
    Add this wonderfull Piece of Work to my Favs.Thanks for sharing dear^^

  5. DeathMen Jun 10, 2005

    Wooooooooowwwwww es magnifico esta muy bien hecho me gusta mucho es realmente de lo mejor :D

  6. Xime Jun 10, 2005

    Hi!!! is a nice wallie!!! I like the effects are awesome
    Goos work
    Adding to favs*

    Take Care.-

  7. rocknroll-isgo Jun 10, 2005

    This is beautiful... you did a fantastic job with the background. That had to be quite the job. OX The title also fits well with the image (Nine Inch Nails inspiration? ;) ) --- just an all around good wallpaper.

  8. kara Jun 10, 2005

    Hmm... I've been staring at it for a while and I'm still not sure which way I'm supposed to look at it. where's up? But anyway, the cging is extremely impressive and I like the way you've integrated the scan in so well. A really nice wallpaper!

  9. Aa-chan Jun 11, 2005

    I like the background effects very much, but for me, they don't fit with the character. Maybe it's the colour.

  10. Kiako Jun 11, 2005

    great wallpaper, the background is well done i like the way you made it, the colors fit well to the charas^^
    hope to see more

  11. Susan-chan Jun 11, 2005

    omg^^ well...i cant write such a long and nice comment, but as i can see it's really a good wally^^ i like the effects in the bg ( it could be very hard to paint them.. XD)

  12. crewcifix Jun 12, 2005

    good theme + awesome skills = powerful unique wall.

    tantaga u girl got some skillz goin on. i want and expect more from you and your works. :)

  13. ramchong Jun 12, 2005

    Quote by crewcifixgood theme + awesome skills = powerful unique wall.

    110% agreed with crew...

  14. Haia Jun 13, 2005

    Interesting concept!!! I love what you did with the background!!! The colors are excellent!!! The scan you used looks great too!!! Thankies so much for sharing it!!! +favie

  15. Glamp Jun 21, 2005

    Very particular works !!
    i like it! !!!!

  16. flyindreams Aug 01, 2005

    Nice ^.^ The background is fantastic in its details... a very nice treat in the full view, and I just love the perspective! Rather unusual, but very beautiful ^.^ The small flying birds feel a little random to me although they're a nice touch a the same time... I'm just being nit-picky >_< And the orange/brown tones are fantastic. This works very nicely on my desktop and I couldn't resist nominating this one for Simple-ism's featured gallery ^.^ (Do check it out~ http://groups.minitokyo.net/simple-ism/)

  17. Gueulderak Sep 04, 2005

    Et un bon wall, un ...

  18. Dadhoff Mar 24, 2010

    Nice work
    thanks for sharing

  19. Oblivion01 Jul 01, 2010

    This one is a winner! Good job man!

  20. ChaoticMirage Nov 10, 2010

    the background is nice and colors are fantastic, you did a good wallpaper :D thx :D

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