Owww... o_0 Def a hott wallie you got there LastDino.
Background looks awesome. The city is smoken. ^_^' Liken it very much and adding to favs!
All my abstract ideas suddenly came flowing out and formed into this wall. I havent been posting my work on MT recently so heres how im making it up. Ive gotten tired of planets for the time being, working on cities now. CHECK IT OUT.
Layers: 60+
Time: 2 hours
Scan: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/118073/
Browse War of Genesis III Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Owww... o_0 Def a hott wallie you got there LastDino.
Background looks awesome. The city is smoken. ^_^' Liken it very much and adding to favs!
I like it LastDino! The city affect is cool! I like how you changed the colors from the orignal scan too!
Great work! *favs*
It is a nice city, the person in the scan looks kinda .... powerful?
this is really nice.....i so love that scan and that freakin background! WOO BABY yep...i love love love it...whole thing... XP awesome freakin job!
that guy looks scary T_T
the bg looks not bad .. though i dunno what are those purple-ish spots ^_^'
ehe .. the city ish nice as usual :)
keep it up :D
the background is great :D
character fits in very nicely , good job
WOah this is something very weird but very inspiring in someway...Like how the whole lights and some sort of sound aura in this which i like. A definite Fave from me, great job! :)
Kick Ass! Very well done! and thanks for the alternate version! His eyes are wonderful they really draw you into the iece *smiles whistfully* Great work as always!!
very nice,this wall looks dark
the scan is really cool and the bg is amazing,done very well
a very good work,so i add it to my fav ^^
Nice wallie ^^ it's so dark and mysterious looking XD well not exactly dark.. But it feels dark =D the background looks great! Great work!
Owwwwwww man ! First : I'm mad at you ! No comment from you on my works ! Bad Dino ! Very Bad ! And second thing : This is my private fav from your works.Chara is nice and i like effects you made ! You still ned to work with txt .And i don't like this purple splashes. City is good, but still need some work.But it's my fav
wow!! such a awsome walli! love the bg.. the colors are soo cool with the sky effects! the city looks really awsome as well! the character is really cool.. and it fits really well with the wall! great job!
That looks awesome! So stylish and really well done! Great job!
Thanks for sharing!
The scan is kinda creepy in my opinion, but (as usual) you formatted the background to fit it, and did a good job of it. You got tired of planets? Finally! ;) Okay, I'm not being serious, just so you know. I'm not really a fan of purple, but it looks good on this wall; good job, Dino.
Wow... you did that in 2 hours? Lol... extraction takes me 2 hours alone >.< I take 2 days nowadays! >.< Anyway, I really like how you aimed for the abstract... with the shapes in the sky... and you paid so much detail to the lighting of his glove... I would like the city to glow a bit more... mainly because I'm a city light pollution junkie (kekeke) But it's overall a wonderful job ^^
Nice city bg, looks cool with the scan you used. The scan is really..interesting. Nice effects in the bg, and the colors compliment the scan well. Nice job!
as alwayz..damn great wallie XD ..anywayz..dontcha ever losin' concept..... :o
the bg looks amazing man
the city looks great too
the guy looks a bit weird to me though
great work anyways! ^_^
man!!! the good walls never end!!!<thats a good thing> you have the best abstract iv ever seen any where!!
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