
Kino no Tabi Wallpaper: Kino no Tabi: A Traveler's Tale

Kouhaku Kuroboshi, Kino no Tabi, Hermes, Kino Wallpaper
Kouhaku Kuroboshi Mangaka Kino no Tabi Series Hermes Character Kino Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I just bought the new Kino no Tabi visual novel, "Tabibito no Hanashi --YOU--", or "A Traveler's Tale". It's gorgeous! This wallpaper uses a scan from the front cover, which has Kino and Hermes and some lovely white roses. The style is the same as that of my previous Kino wall, "Their Memories" because that wall was from the cover of the first visual novel. Continuity is good! I didn't want to really do a lot to the image because it was lovely just the way it was - merely added some textures and text.

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  1. bromithia Retired Moderator Apr 23, 2005

    This is a nice wallpaper. The scan is lovely, I must say. It blends so perfectly with the colors and the simple backround you created. I like the textures, they go very nicely with everything. Same goes for the text. Nice work Tama-neko.

  2. Mordin Apr 23, 2005

    now this is very visual, the blending is very lovely, the bg is making this looks great, the simple color and bg makes this a very stunning piece of art work. great job Tama.

  3. euna Retired Moderator Apr 23, 2005

    tama's too good at walling >_<
    kino looks more like a guy here (no offence to you ^^)
    but i like the textures and blah blah blah (here i go again)
    the scan's brilliant! very nice as always ^^

  4. drell Apr 23, 2005

    Simplicity (good an stylish) always gets a favorite from me...this happens to be one of them, good work Tama-Neko.

  5. ShiNN Apr 23, 2005

    aw. Nice! As always Tama makes wallpapers that fits perfectly a desktop :). This wallpaper reminds me of the other one with the flower girl (the one with the "re-coloured" flower), I guess it's because they both use the same texture... and I like it ^^.

  6. bucket-shot Apr 23, 2005

    A bit brigher than your regular Kino walls. ;) The yellow is indeed simply lovely~<3 It's a fav.

    ..gah. x_x *hates commenting like this* ..but I've really not got anything more to say. XD A very soothing atmosphere in this wall.. but there's still a certain energy in it. *three thumbs up; sets as desktop bg*

  7. UndyingShadow Apr 23, 2005

    nice simplistic wall with a very nice texture. Great use of the scan, and I like the nice calm colors.

  8. shinorei Apr 23, 2005

    Ooh..kawaii!! ^.^ Never heard of Kino no Tabi before but it's very kawaii!! =3 *hugs wallie* The colours are very peaceful which matches my current theme - green! ^.^

  9. SirMackerel Apr 24, 2005

    A beautiful wallpaper... I'd say this is my favorite out of your lates four Kino's Journey wallpapers.

  10. sammo Retired Moderator Apr 24, 2005

    minimalistic beauty is taken to another step with the paper texture, and the combination of the picture and placement of it makes the wall super awesome. plenty room for icons on the left, awesome job as usual!

  11. markjo Apr 25, 2005

    Now this one is just perfect. To me here simplicity is at its best. Plus, I love the roses and the texture.

  12. MadWiz Apr 27, 2005

    nice wallie~
    I like the scan used..
    the detail is not really too sharp and stuff
    since to me.. these texture aren't usually good for very sharp details that some of your other wallies have
    not really much other things for me to complain about =p
    so its a fav from me for this~

  13. Matsukaze Jun 08, 2005

    Hermes es otro personaje bastante interesante de Kiuno no Tabi.
    I would like to read kino no tabi's novels

  14. didou Jun 21, 2005

    whooo.Excellent I love this wallpaper. Thank you very much for your beautiful work
    That I love in this wallaper is the back, it's very beautiful
    I hope to see others walls make by you

    thanks :D :D

  15. TAM-Lisa Banned Member Aug 25, 2005

    Very nice wall!
    I like it very much. Thanks for sharing (^_^)
    Good job XD

  16. aeidail Oct 02, 2008

    I love this! How did you manage the effect?

  17. Widy Sep 29, 2009


  18. afflatus Oct 04, 2010

    soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!

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