
Kino no Tabi Wallpaper: Kino no Tabi: A Stray Child

Kouhaku Kuroboshi, Kino no Tabi, Kino, Vector Art Wallpaper
Kouhaku Kuroboshi Mangaka Kino no Tabi Series Kino Character Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another Kino vector from your Kino vector specialist. I found this pencilboard scan off of Cynical126's Shitajiki site and decided to go for it. I'm really fond of more feminine-looking pictures of Kino. They're quite rare, and they seem to show another site, a vulnerable, human side that is usually hidden behind her bland and non-judgemental demeanor.
I went for a pure-toned image without a single bit of blur or softness. I really liked my FMA comic-book-cover styled artwork, and wanted to try and use that here. Plus, it's fun doing something so utterly not a style you'd see in a wall in top submissions. No sparkles, no feathers, wings, moons, clouds, sunsets, trees, grass, girls with really big busts, birds, or even the slightest of special effects. Just a wood floor, the light from a window, and a person. I think this image is more powerful in its starkness, and to vexture it would dilute its beauty.
The entire wallpaper was made in Illustrator; Photoshop was used merely to add the text logo I've used on 25 of my 27 Kino walls.
The title was inspired by the .hack song "A Stray Child" and I decided to use it because she looks more vulnerable and innocent in this picture than any I've seen (except perhaps for that scene in episode 2.)

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  1. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2005

    Simplistic in form and design but the effort is inconcievable because its that good, just the work i like from the Vector princess of walls... Love the comic book style and a great job as usual! :) fava+

    *Edit: This kind of wall almost dwells in the style of grunge/ vector but it isnt because its in the middle of both so thats something unique i find from this... o_O

  2. wuschel Feb 17, 2005

    great wallpaper like always. its simple but still stunning. i admire ur vector works they are awsome. this is just such a lovely wall . my only complain is the font :3 i dont like it . it seems like it doesnt fit as "italic" but thats just my taste xd;

  3. exentric Feb 17, 2005

    really simplistic and nicely done vector.
    but I think even vector walls need some shadowing? ^_^"
    still, nicely done vector~ ^_^

  4. TheRavenIsUnSkill Feb 17, 2005

    I love the scan ya used. Vector work is great, Always top notch. Nice job Tama-sempai!

    +fav +download. Cya on IRC!

  5. bucket-shot Feb 17, 2005

    Ooh~ non-vextured. :) A good call, I think. The only thing I could think to say is maybe move the logo an inch to the left? I got a bit confused if it was following the floor's grain or sunlight at first. XD But, hey. That's just personal. Like has been said, I really love the clean contrast. And.. if it was anyone else, that pose would be 'sensual' but I think it's really sweet that that word doesn't fit Kino at all. :) Great choice of piccy. Nice job.

  6. Saikusa Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2005

    Highly effective! The muted green colour and the dramatic window lighting give it a very 'film noir' and gritty feel! Very impressive :)

  7. jackalx66 Feb 17, 2005

    tama finish it again >D
    nice concept tama :D
    and yeah differ ppl, difer taste~
    for me the typos is nice~
    and yeah the light source and the floor is nice >D
    when u preview it , i cant imagine what u gonna make o.O
    and the reult is turn out nice >D
    thx for ur effort and share it in here

    cya on irc >3

  8. KorganoS Feb 17, 2005

    Sweet original work as usual, Tama :)
    Lovely unique composition, and eccentric coloring tones, makes this one unique and one-of-a-kind wall.... ;)
    Yep yep, you're the Kino vector specialist indeed...
    and your works are just, unpredictable! XD

  9. crapmonster Feb 17, 2005

    this vector work is really something different. a part of her bad on the right side gets realy jaggy but other then that you did an awesome job on this.

  10. UndyingShadow Feb 17, 2005

    another amazing vector job Tama. Love the design of this wall, and thats a great scan that you used. nice wall!

  11. SaSaBinks Feb 17, 2005

    Cool! I really like it. The lines are soo smooth and i love the simplicity of it.

  12. kaidou Feb 19, 2005

    aww it's sad :*( But lovely work, as expected from Tama-neko-sama. Favd'ededed!.............

  13. Noctum Feb 20, 2005

    You get extra points for a unique design, Tama, but staring at this bg for too long makes my head hurt somehow. @_@

  14. cloudcool Jun 21, 2005

    yet it`s not full of color , but how nice wall it is

  15. Joni3nyo Jul 15, 2005

    dark yet beautiful, another good wallpaper from you ^^!!! how you do it hehehe

  16. email938 Nov 20, 2008

    simple but very dark wallpaper. I like how you got the window and light reflection to highlight the character according to its reflection

  17. k35 Jul 06, 2010

    well done & great gob

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