
Kino no Tabi Wallpaper: Kino.no.Tabi. [Journey beyond]

Kouhaku Kuroboshi, Kino no Tabi, Hermes, Kino Wallpaper
Kouhaku Kuroboshi Mangaka Kino no Tabi Series Hermes Character Kino Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Where confusion and disarray come together
We search the plains of existence....the truth to our knowing,
The journey we seek is not outside of this place
But from the world we try to escape from...

And so i acome back with a wall..and heck it was a pain to blend this image of Kino in the bg... Umm is this a guy or a girl ?? cos i get so confused of the gender! But anyway thanks to TamaNeko for the image, I really wanted to capture the whole scenic old style picture genre and it was a suprised i made through...PLease dont b**** about the bloody border cos its a small typed picture so BARE with me!!! Anyway the city was all done with gridwork and a pentool , too a while to measure up and make this almost realistic. Lots of Gaussian, duplication and grunge brusehs to make this wall so possible....

So this has 54 layers and 2 days of work...Hope ya likey!
More resolutions in Imanimetions.net if Shinta comes back... T_T


Personal intent:

For the past 5 days ive been getting a feeling that my journey circles on my inner light, (I thank Dernier for that) but anyway from the moment i reached my first days of highschool ive always noticed that the progressions and styles of my drawings over the years has always evolved but i never knew that it would result to only one thing...Sadness. All of existence that ive been living have been all because im a sad person, maybe because its been a traumatic experience....but sadness must be my inner light because for some reason I channel it, I suck it dry from people and i dwell in it severely by making people happy in anyway possible either by Humor, being perverted or in one case helpful in some way like in art or advice. Maybe because no one would ever understand me because my art doesnt speak to them as they usually do except my best sisterly friend...Shelley ^__^ But anyway i guess without sadness there wouldnt be any happiness or any other emotions in the mix but nonetheless i have to live with it everyday...

But i ask myself always this... Is looking at the sadness of people and seeking a way to make people happy such a bad way to find what your looking for? like love? or should i seek something else instead...?

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 06, 2005

    ahh great anime series I love the music to this anime it's awsome ^_^
    oh about the wall whats to say? it's gorgeous great job as always I have no problems
    with it at all it blends in all greatly and I really like it nice job Oracle ^_^ it's a fave
    of course ;)

  2. bromithia Retired Moderator Mar 06, 2005

    Ehe. I like this wallpaper, the grungy look fits the scan very well. The city looks great, and he blends well with the backround. I really like how it came out :) Keep up the good work.

  3. biriwilg Retired Moderator Mar 06, 2005

    Very beautiful and atmospheric, the mood of the wall is superb and very reflective. ^_^ You're still keeping up your reputation as the Grunge King; this is grungy but not in-your-face so. Tasteful and understated, but very elegant. Perfect. ^_^

  4. tecnophreak Mar 06, 2005

    wowowowowow. muuuch different from your usual style, i like it a lot! yes, i really like the buildings, and the fence, very nice. could there possibly be anything to add? i think not. perfection.

  5. ded113 Mar 06, 2005

    Wow very cool OA. This strangely reminds me of Godzilla attacking Tokyo!! XD Yep this is different form your usual great grunge stuff. A fav for me!!

  6. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Mar 06, 2005



    all HAIL THE grunge KING .. *BOW BOW bowwss*

    >.< *kickerz OSI TO BOW* XD XD

    saki doesnt normally fave grunge .. cuzcuz .. saki ish scared of em .. XD
    butbutbut .. this ish sooo coool!! *-*

    waaahh .. *bows bows*

  7. Mordin Mar 06, 2005

    Very nice dark tone on this wallie, and I like the change of pace in this wallie than your usual work. It is a nice blend of bg and texture. It is more tone down, I kinda like this style. :) good job.

  8. Evanrued Mar 06, 2005

    Oracle this is so awesome! I love the background, it suits the image so well. I really like the feel to, its so different, and creative. Excellent work!

  9. ayanechan Mar 06, 2005

    looks great.. i've lately been in the mood for brown-ness ^_^X really lovely wallpaper.. i hope you'll be able to find what you're looking for in life

  10. tecnophreak Mar 06, 2005

    wowowowowow. muuuch different from your usual style, i like it a lot! yes, i really like the buildings, and the fence, very nice. could there possibly be anything to add? i think not. perfection.

  11. Ryuujin Mar 06, 2005

    Hmm.. I don't see any border.. but anyways, really nice wallpaper, the dark-brownish background with the buildings and the character image you chose really blends in nicely. Great job on it! Definately a favorite!

    And to answer your question, no it's not bad to help make other people happy even if they are sad, it will help you in some ways look for yourself, sometimes not too much. Hopefully that helps XD I dunno if it does or not lol, anyways great wallpaper!

  12. heavens-Dragon Mar 06, 2005

    Wowies! Excellent work! It's displays a beautiful ancient town feeling and the grudge work is very nicely done! LOL, I got confused at first too whether Kino was a guy or a girl but she's a girl. Great concept and amazing colours!

  13. crapmonster Mar 06, 2005

    this is actually a very different wall from you, the cityscape in addition to the texturing almost gives it a vector/cyberpunk look which actually really works well with that pic of kino. excellent wall, and damn unique work!

  14. UndyingShadow Mar 06, 2005

    awesome wall Oracle! i like the texture to the wall, and the cityscape in the bg looks great. Very unique wall, great job!

  15. Susan-chan Mar 06, 2005

    woow! your works are always so amazing!! i think this person is a girl:D this brownish atmoshpere is so relaxing for me...the bulidings are also very imaginative and of course the grunges look super:) looking forward to your next works:)

  16. calisqo Mar 06, 2005

    NIce wall oracle.
    The texture is awesome.

    My fav part from this is prob the font , I like it very much ^^, the texture is equally awesome too. and the color , is very expressive, like the monochromatic kinda feel to it
    The bg, is nice, bit squarish, but still go along very well with your concept.
    Overall awesome work.

    A well deserved fav for the effort and techniques.

  17. chibikko Mar 06, 2005

    i didn't know you felt like this that your inner light is sadness. i really don't understand such things but i guess i'm not a happy type either. but i believe i'm only depressed because i'm in the middle of puberty xD at least i hope so... anyway, the wallpaper:
    i love the color, it's so warm and matches kino (that's this guy/girl, right?), because kino wears such dark cloths somehow. the city is really cool, i have some problems with making such gorgeous buildings. the texture is so great, i also love tama-nekos texture-work and this is really awesome. adding to favs, cuz i like it ^^

  18. DREAM Mar 06, 2005

    yes finally i come across a unique wallpaper- it's been a while. ;)

    i love both the extraction and the background. the wall really fits in with the style of Kino's Journey. the bg is simply amazing. the buildings and landscape looks great and everything is done in scale.

    Quote by OracleAngelBut i ask myself always this... Is looking at the sadness of people and seeking a way to make people happy such a bad way to find what your looking for? like love? or should i seek something else instead...?

    i think making others happy and expressing yourself through art is a good idea. but don't become overburdened by other's problems and suffer more yourself.

  19. DarkEVO Mar 06, 2005

    Great detail wallpaper. This is a very nice wallpaper been done here. I like very much. +Fav.

  20. Asahi Mar 06, 2005

    def a FAV ^_^' i like all on them. the texture.. the scan. the background around. highqualli work how always from you .

  21. darkwaterbunny Mar 06, 2005

    Hmm, before I answer your question, wallpaper!!:

    Dude, anything you touch becomes a super-cool wallpaper. The grungy effects here are so cool! You always mange to pull it off everytime!!! Love the sky, the feelings are one of sadness because the sky is of a bleak color. Brown: a pent up feeling, something that is dragging you down *ahem* but, the scan looks really great and I <3 the lettering!! fav from me ^_~

    For your question, these are things that I constantly tell myself, its what I think about to. These feelings could be because you are looking for something, but you dont know what. It could be love, a greater exprieance, or escape....if you had a lot of bad exprienaces or memories that seem to always haunt you, it could be because of the memories...
    But, making people laugh, could be a small means of escape because you make yourself feel better that way. A way to express this would be art, I know, because I go through it too. So, your not alone.....(you dont want to see my art, holy crap, its scary....) just dont let these feelings get the better of you, because hey, it coud be because we are all still going though puberty, being ___ age doesnt mean you haven't stopped...

  22. StarCentury Mar 06, 2005

    Hahaha, the Grunge King does it again! XD The ripped up BG texture looks really cool with the skyscrapers and all! :) It kinda resembles some very old piece of paper drawn by you, OA! Also, the scan feels real nice and blends with the paper-like BG seamlessly! Hmmm, I see Shadowdude (The Prince of Grunge) hasn't reviewed yet, but I think he'll love your work as well! Overall, a great cityscape in a old paper-like grunge wallie with a cool character on a motorbike! [+ 2 favs] ;)

  23. Skillzpay Mar 07, 2005

    How do you find all this time to keep churning out walls?
    lol anyways, Oracle you continue to amaze me with how your work gets more and more original while at the sametime not losing a step in quality. The texture you've got going over the entire wall is so fitting with the color scheme and like everybody else, I love the vectorish cityscape.

  24. kenzuke Mar 07, 2005

    T_T...again...I envy you again for making such unique and great walls.....Love the setting ang color! The texture is also fitting! :D

    For your question, well it ain't bad trying to help make people happy...in fact it helps you know yourself better....for me at least.......finding a purpose is what most of us do...don't know when our thirst will end ...but lets just live our lives while we can and be try to be happy!!.......dunno if i just said trash but ..oh well... XD

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