Oh my God, this is SO cute ^__^ .
The really soft and pretty background works excellently with the pretty character. Really nice work ^___^ .
Artist Comment
A new Kino Vexture from your Kino vector specialist. Again. Basically, I was going to do some work on my Spiral wall,
then looked at the KnT Japanese site and remembered I wanted
to trace the image of Sakura from the rerelease of disc
6. So I did. Trace took about 2 hours, background another 2 hours and made using a variety of cloud stocks. I designed this to be somewhat similar to Testing the Waters since both use the same source image, so I used a
lot of the same vexture stylings, as well as the bird stock, although this time the birds are white. Unfortunately, the
white feather she's holding is very hard to see because the background is so bright. Feather recycled from my FMA
"On Wings of Hope" wall; petals recycled from my Kino no Tabi "Blooming Prairie" wall.
Nice, simple, and bright.
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Aa-chan Feb 19, 2005
MadWiz Feb 19, 2005
o.o I really love the effect for this one ^^
the background looks really great~
but I don't think the thin small wordings fit into this wallie well because of the effect~
can't really write words like that on these surfaces I think? -
TheRavenIsUnSkill Feb 19, 2005
Really pretty. Found a new wall for my desktop! n_n V
I love the scan ya used, Vexture© work is excellent, texturing works great. Awesome job!
+fav. Cya on IRC!
kino Feb 19, 2005
u've outdone yourself this time!!!!! muh this is the best work from you yet imo! the colors are soothing and it makes me think about that episodeeeeee so sad T_T im glad ur a kino fanatic! XD
jackalx66 Feb 19, 2005
omigopsh >3
tama did it again~
nice simple bright~
i love the canvas texture effect xD
nice like always~
go vexture go!
dl and fave away~
thx for ur effort and share it in here
*9.6* -
Rella Feb 19, 2005
Ooh, how original to have the whole wallpaper textured like that, very nice! I really like it.
crapmonster Feb 19, 2005
ahhah how many walls does this make from kino, a little obsessive are we??! haah anyways, as always its a great wall. the textured vectors turned out quite nicely.
UndyingShadow Feb 19, 2005
awesome wall Tama. The texture looks great, and i like how you incorporated it with a vectored image. awesome wall!
jaalin Feb 19, 2005
i always appreciate your kino walls, tama - this one is pretty unique with its tapestry texture. i love the soft colors and the blend of blue, white, and red in the sky. superb!
candy-chan Retired Moderator Feb 19, 2005
lol~ tama the obsessed
as usual, love the colors and canvas texture
but for once im not sure about the text, i think a more brush-ish-integrated-with-the-texture would have fitted better, i dunno about this standing out too much...
anyways, still great composition, love em clean~
biriwilg Retired Moderator Feb 20, 2005
I love the colors and everything, the petal-soft image is so perfect. ^_^ Tama, you've finally convinced me to watch Kino, the first ep is downloading right now. XD As long as it doesn't turn me into a Kino-walling freak like you (must be subliminal messages) XD Anyways, I love the floating stuff, clouds, text, and the colors, but I think whatever layer has the burlap sack texture would look better on a lower opacity, it seems to be drowning out the rest of the wall. It's a subtle wall, which would look better with a bit more subtle texturing. ^^
StarCentury Feb 20, 2005
LOL Another one of your patented vexture walls, I see! ^_^' Very unique and cool, Tama-san! XD The designs are simply wonderful to look at and the scan is very pretty! It almost feels like a pastel painting on a canvas! :D Way to go, Tama! High five! ;)
meteorcloud Feb 20, 2005
waah....great vexture wall ^^~!!!!!
nice colours, nice scan.....
great wallpaper ^^~!
fav+ -
ded113 Feb 20, 2005
Another great wall from Tama! As usual great vectoring skillz and the BG..soft colors and good idea to recycle you last use of vectors...but I think the textures should be a bit morre stuble. Nonetheless, one of my favorite kino walls from you!
Angelette Feb 21, 2005
I just don't understand how you vector so quickly >_<! I need to learnlearn to be fasterfaster >_< Another great vectored wall from you, tama-sama. I love how you do the texture over the whole wall.
rinikittybabe Feb 22, 2005
Yay! Another Kino obbsesser! I'm thinking of either cosplaying as Kino, Sakura, or Sakura from Kino no Tabi. Any sujestions? By the way like the icon? lol... Anyways love the wall! Thankies! I have your ipod one on my computer right now. Bye-bye!
tareren Feb 23, 2005
nice color combi n evrything =)
i love this one ^^
**adding to fave**
looking fwd to see ur next wallie hehe -
Xion3 Feb 26, 2005
Do you ever not make a good wallpaper? ^_^'
I've seen some of your work and there's not one that I disliked as yet. Plus, you do them in 1600x1200, which is the resolution I use, so a million thanks to you making your creations in that resolution. This wallpaper in particular is awesome. The colours are soft and gentle and the texture/ feel of the wallpaper is great too. A job well done Tama. :) -
SirMackerel Feb 27, 2005
Another visually amazing Kino no Tabi wallpaper from Tama-neko! I think this one turned out better then "Testing the Waters". :)
Matsukaze Jun 08, 2005
Buen trabajo.
Si no me equivoco esta es una imagen del ultimo episodio. Excelente anime por cierto. -
ferest Jul 10, 2005
w0w very cute scean
good work Tama-neko san
what's she doing?
She ...ah... bless? -
ferest Oct 09, 2005
NIce Picture!
I like your b\ackground so much XP
And this girl is so cute too.
+_+GOOD JOB! -
baiya Apr 02, 2008
It's beautiful!
I like this picture! -
AirBleach Jun 26, 2009
Love the design of the paper thx~
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