
Sword Art Online Wallpaper: The Slave: Asuna

Abec, A-1 Pictures, Sword Art Online, Asuna Yuuki Wallpaper
Abec Mangaka A-1 Pictures Studio Sword Art Online Series,Game Asuna Yuuki Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

When I made the competition wallpaper I had this idea in my mind..
Though I don't like it but I know few people like these kinds of wallpapers...
Forgive me about the details again since I made this wallpaper a long time ago.. but I remember that the scan was from Minitokyo ><
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  1. Valuna Retired Moderator Oct 09, 2014

    You can easily look up the scan in the gallery tbh.

    The wallpaper looks more like an Asuna-only version of the other one. While the background looks pretty lovely with the vector shapes and somewhat abstract, I actually think it would have been better if you made an abstract background for this. Perhaps it would have given you idea's if you put that Asuna vector on a white background and work from there with abstract objects and such. Not only would it look different, you would also be experimenting in different styles and executions to reach the finish line of a wallpaper. Guess what! You will get entirely different results with each.

    It's pretty nice, but could have been better with the style it has and as a single character to ude a style if background to fit it properly. Try to think what would be nice and don't let yourself be manipulated by what it already has or is common. You can always go through the elite wallpaper gallery for some inspiration on styles.

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