I agree with Valuna on this looking...basic.
While the vectoring is nice and clean, some elements - like the blue swirls on the left and the direction of the text -
stand out as out of place to me.
I get that you were going for symmetry with the blue swirls (mimicking the green ones on the right), but the green ones
aren't that obvious and don't cover up the character. I think this also has to do with the direction of the
images: the one on the right is tilted and matching the text box, while the one on the left is straight and makes the
whole piece look angular instead of "parallel" (imagine the two images as lines connecting at the top instead
of being parallel to each other).
And the text box... Diagonal text is kinda tricky to do to begin with, but this just looks awkward. I'd change the
direction from top-to-bottom instead of bottom-to-top, since that's the way people naturally read. As it is, it
feels like I have to turn either my head or monitor at an uncomfortable angle to not struggle when reading the text.
I'd also make the blue text take up the entire ribbon, since the bottom part is empty.
Quote: if I knew other people won't like it I would 100% not do
So...you made this for other people, not because you yourself liked it? TBH if I liked one of my
own wallpapers and got only unfavorable comments about it (which has happened), it wouldn't suddenly make me hate
my work. I wouldn't be discouraged if I were you, since you do have talent; as is natural with all artists, you
just need to practice more.