
The Legend of Zelda Wallpaper: With the Power of Music!

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Toon Zelda, Toon Link Wallpaper
Nintendo Studio The Legend of Zelda Game Toon Zelda Character Toon Link Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

First couple tries was fail for a quick Twilight Princess wallpaper. But then I actually got to do some Toon Link from Spirit Tracks. This wallpaper is dedicated to my friend Gin-chan (Doffindom on MT). I've known the guy for so long and it's his birthday today. Not to mention, a big Zelda freak he is so I guess someone can be happy! And since I don't have enough time to vector anything I just used high quality stock pictures and rendered them which didn't take long. Hope anyone likes it as it's another abstract wallpaper from me (I didn't think I would be making anything except a couple in progress which some have a clue from)

I guess I don't have a group to advertise this one time!

Brushes/Patterns from Deviantart.com (credits to whoever made them)
Scan 1: Link
Scan 2: Zelda

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  1. VioLeNTsHaDeSOfGReeN Jan 20, 2010

    That's adorable. :) Makes me smile, lol.

  2. skye Jan 22, 2010

    love the series - although the game seemed too short for me >.< - not as indepth as it should have been

  3. HoshinoSora12 Jan 28, 2010

    beautiful wall it's amazing thanks for share! xD *w*

  4. Hikari-Walker Feb 15, 2010

    me encanta este juego! lindo wallpeaper =)

  5. Nubes May 07, 2010

    this is really cute.... heheheheh!

    Very pretty

  6. EagleEyeTZ Jul 06, 2010

    Fantastic job on this wall! I

  7. LSX88 Aug 14, 2010

    link is my favorite hero! he is the best :D

  8. Uazula Dec 09, 2010

    lovely lovely lovely lovely

  9. mechabelmont Mar 18, 2011

    cute is quite the understatement

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