
The Legend of Zelda Wallpaper: Malon and Epona

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Epona, Malon Wallpaper
Nintendo Studio The Legend of Zelda Game Epona Character Malon Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

"I started to think it was cold
At the dawn of that day
The moon had sunk, and with the sun
You were born"

-Epona no Uta

Yeah, so apparently Epona's Song has lyrics?
Actually, I only found out the English translation after I painted this, so it's cool that it fits. Sorta.
I'm not sure what made me do this, I just kinda felt like it.

I had a lot of trouble with Malon's pose...it still looks kinda funky. though Epona was a lot easier to draw than I expected. Also my first wallpaper for who knows how long and the first substantial background.

I've forgotten how much I love photoshop. Like holy crap. Also, CS4 is soooo sexy. I don't know where to be begin to describe how bloody awesome it is. *_* (er, actually, my laptop overheats like crazy when I use it unless I keep the window open and freeze to death, but other than that, it's the Greatest Thing Ever)

Program: Photoshop CS4
Tools: Touchpad
Time: 10 hours/3 days?
Steps: [link]

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  1. MapleRose Retired Moderator Feb 18, 2009

    *still have no idea how you can paint with the touchpad* XD

    Awesome sky though, I love the clouds and lighting, and the details on the girl's hair esp ^^

  2. Strike-Force Feb 18, 2009

    My dear artist you did a splendid job !

  3. Sinever Feb 18, 2009

    you paint with the touchpad? o_0 *cant believe it* your wallie is very very very beautiful & I still cant believe that you've painted it with the touchpad.... you're awesome girl XD *bows*
    well done & its a fav

  4. vitaamin Feb 18, 2009

    wow this is just uber awesome! the sky is so gorgeous

  5. Koboshi93 Feb 18, 2009

    wow incredible talent for painting!
    I love the grass, the blue eye of the horse wonderful!
    and the sky wow!

  6. animelover901120 Feb 18, 2009

    what to say....fantastic!

  7. Shirahime Feb 19, 2009

    it's good artists like you that get me thinking i should give it a go... :P

  8. clarings Elite Member Feb 26, 2009

    omg this is soo prettyyyy
    so realistic.. it really looks like a real painting... i love ittt..
    i have no idea how u make ur paintings look like real hand made paintings.. maybe its the touchpad effect... i have never tryed a touch pad or even seen one :P
    awesome work!

  9. dream3r Nov 26, 2009

    Amazing indeed! looks legendary.

  10. DarkGSSJBeast Dec 19, 2009

    You are amazing!Really great work!

  11. belcr0ss Apr 28, 2010

    so nice wall, great art, really

  12. bugmenot Banned Member Feb 18, 2011

    So nice to see someone post a wallpaper with a horse!

  13. Aleatz Feb 14, 2012

    I don't even like horses, but I think this wall is epic. Amazing skill, and gorgeous work. Fav-o!

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