
The Legend of Zelda Wallpaper: Moonlite Night

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, Link, Fierce Deity Wallpaper
Nintendo Studio The Legend of Zelda Game Link Character Fierce Deity Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Haven't done a celestial type wallpaper in awhile and an even longer time since my last Zelda wallpaper but I think this is much better than my others, even got to play a lot with texture and colorings for sky backgrounds and the darn grass brush ^^ Hope everyone likes it

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  1. Kaisuke90 Jan 27, 2008

    really cool background! nice!

  2. contactlens Jan 28, 2008

    WOW!nice color...

  3. Rayzi Jan 28, 2008

    I really like the background, especially the colors! THe only thing is that Oni Link isn't exactly my favorite..... it's my brothers. >.< Zora Link is my favorite! It's very nice though! It goes really well with the scan.

  4. animenintendo Jun 25, 2009

    that excellent background, really good and it looks amazing fierce deity link

  5. Gohanitos May 10, 2010

    everything fits together sooo perfect!colours are n1

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