
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: The Madly Blooming Princess

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Shizuka Hiou Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Shizuka Hiou Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I had an urge to vector a beautiful woman (despite I'm on a break) and I immediately
thought about Shizuka.
I did the outlines then I painted the rest, but I'm not very happy. :(
I don't remember where I found the texture for kimono.
The original pic is taken from the manga, somewhere from volume 4.

EDIT: I changed the tree a bit and added some more colours to tears.
I really hope it looks better now, because that damn sakura gave me quite a hard time and is still not ok.
But I think I won't work on this wall anymore. :hmpf:

Alternate version: Dark bg with moon

THX for all your help and advices! ;)

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  1. Kairi-Hearts Mar 22, 2009

    I somehow knew this was yours o_0
    anyways, I think you could make the shading in the skin darker.
    I would like to see a dark blue sky version too. The purple sky doesn't look bad but I somehow think a blue color would suit best because of her kimono.
    Everything else looks great to me. Love the hair and the pattern you used for her kimono :3

  2. kuryuki Mar 22, 2009

    <3 it's so pretty
    i agree with kairi on how you should make the shadings darker

  3. vitaamin Mar 22, 2009

    agree with kairi (yes i am semi-back-from-the-dead) change the color of the sky--either blue or like a calming pink/tan would be cute too.

    i would either make it a full moon and bigger or just delete it. As for trees, try to get a tutorial and use some leave brushes (you can totally make your own) and layer the leaves. use the burn and dodge too, helps alot

    an i think you should make the bloody tear glow. spend a bit more time painting in the shades, it needs some more highlighting in a saturated red to give it more depth

    i think the vector is too nice for you to waste it! =]

  4. Tina18 Mar 22, 2009

    She is very pretty indeed. I like the sakura tree it looks very nice, thou I think it's supposed to be more brownish, the hair looks good, nice shadings and highlights. The pattern is alrigh, not very apealing but alright.
    I like the color you used for the skin outline.,,, I personally think that you should've sticked to just one bloody teary eye, or none, like this my first thought is circus. the only thing you can improve are her bangs, try to erase a bit the color at the end where the outline is not united, but don't do it with a full oapcity eraser, lower it so this way you won't chop off her hair.

  5. icegaze7 Mar 22, 2009

    beautiful wall of shizuka! great vector! thanks for sharing!

  6. MissDaphne Mar 23, 2009

    What a beautiful wallpaper!
    You did a great Job! <3

  7. xay09 Mar 23, 2009

    shizuka looks splendid here
    i like how you didn't make the tears really heavy

  8. Sinever Mar 23, 2009

    you picked a beautiful picture of a gorgeous woman *Shizuka*
    the vector is outstanding & I love the bloody tears :D the bg looks good I like the purple sky but a blue might look good.....either ways it looks very beautiful ^^

  9. ShanaFlare Mar 23, 2009

    oh nice one! you did an excellent job on the wall^^
    thanks for sharing^^

  10. Skyneth Mar 23, 2009

    Amazing wallie! The girl is really beautiful. I love those bloody tears. ^^
    Good job!

  11. 3nforcer Mar 23, 2009

    good work, i like this Picture


  12. animelover901120 Mar 24, 2009

    This is Beautifully sad...
    I like this one...=p

  13. Sakucha Mar 26, 2009

    I think dark colors suit Shizuka. Something more mysterious and sad. Love your style of vectoring and keep it up!

  14. Taja Mar 27, 2009

    100 points XD

  15. divinemelody Mar 27, 2009

    kirei desune
    chotto kowai but thank you for sharing

  16. Koboshi93 Mar 27, 2009

    very beautiful especially the hair and great expression
    good job

  17. Kayote Mar 28, 2009

    OMG, thats soooo freaky... how can anyone look at it for long... brilliant work.

  18. haruhi15 Restricted Member Apr 05, 2009

    wow..i love hw the tears and hw the eye couler goes*_*

  19. NeroZero Apr 15, 2009

    Very nice work, many thanx!

  20. hawkangel Jun 18, 2009

    oh, this is really beautiful... always thought shizuka was pitiful

  21. Ecthelion Jul 03, 2009

    So beautiful! >_< I especially love the sparkly kimono.
    Thanks for sharing. ^_^

  22. Wendo Sep 11, 2009

    so cute =p

  23. Simo88 Nov 30, 2009

    Shizuka looks sooo gorgeous in this wallpaper!

  24. Peacecrafs Feb 27, 2010

    nice wall ^^
    thansk for sharing!

    PD: to my fav =D

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