
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: ~Wintry night~

Matsuri Hino, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Zero Kiryuu Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Zero Kiryuu Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Here is my big project no.1 ! :D

And this time is VK, which I haven't done in ages :) I hope it looks better then my
previous one, which was a catastrophee :(

As you can see, this wall is dedicated to Sin-chan, because she always makes such amazing VK walls.

If you don't like it, just say it and it won't be a dedication anymore, but I hope you'll like it anyway :D
Of course is not good as yours, but I still like it OX

Zero is just LOOOOVVE! <3 I luv him so much * sorry Sin-chan, you have to share him with lots of fangirls*
and Yuuki looks here very good too :) ...but no placce for Kaname, sorry
It was the first time I tried to paint something else beside the clouds.It wasn't hard at all, actually, it's even easier and faster than vectoring XD
I don't have to say much, I tried to refer to the scan as much as possible :)
I really wanted to do Kaname too, but I was like enough of this crazy hair! :D So much lines!
And I left out the sword, which was there just...floating nearby Yuuki's head?

The fur on Yuuki's coat took me quite some time. I had to do one stroke at time
but I think it looks fine >.<
For the bg... I vectored the trees on the scan (not really much of them), as for the other trees I improvised something :)
I added some bats, painted the moon and the fog. I really felt to adding some snow and I did.

Well, I really like how it turned out, I don't know if I could do it better :)
I know there are some jagged lines in Zero's hair, but I attempted everything to erease them, but no go :(


Time: 5/03/09 - 13/03/09; about 27h
Shapes/layers: 642/72
Easiest part: the moon and the bats
Hardest part: I won't say hardest, just boooring - outlines
Original scan:HERE


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  1. uffy-chan Mar 13, 2009

    Mochiron you did well with your work^^ They're really tender and nice.
    Maybe the sky would suit better if less purple.. Anyway it's stylish for me

  2. jns Mar 13, 2009

    Zero! Let me recompose myself...
    There.. Great job with the painting, and indeed, what in the world was that sword doing there o.O
    It really is a shame that u didn't vector Kaname but i completely understand why u didn't vector him

  3. Kairi-Hearts Mar 13, 2009

    You sure keep improving with each work ^^
    Great job with the painting. I'm really liking how the hair turned out.
    I do think you could have added something more to the bg, but I can't really say what :\ hmm, perhaps adding some gradient to the purple sky or so.
    Glad you left out the sword, it wouldn't really fit with the rest of the work here.
    You did great :nya:

  4. xay09 Mar 13, 2009

    Love the moon behind these two

  5. ShanaFlare Mar 13, 2009

    the wall is beautiful and the painting is outstanding! XD
    great job on it and thanks for sharing :)

  6. Sinever Mar 14, 2009

    OMG is this awesome wallie is for ME! *faints*
    please dont make such wallies with zero cause sin-chan is not gonna be able to take it anymore *dizzy*
    well you vectored both zero & yuuki so beautifully & GOD zero looks so hot XD & sorry girl sin-chan is not gonna share zero with anyone *takes her weapons out*
    anyways its an awesome wallie & thanks a lot for the dedication ^^

  7. flirish Mar 14, 2009

    i love him too...
    we're have same feel.
    and i love your wallpaper too...

  8. lucifersaya Mar 15, 2009

    its really well done.. Great job and thanks for sharing..
    hope to see more works of you
    your vector is perfect and clear as alway

  9. MisaSasekage Moderator Mar 16, 2009

    It looks really good. I love how Zero and Yuuki look together. Great job, keep it up!

  10. Silfida Mar 25, 2009

    They well look with each other on this background)

  11. machimiko Apr 02, 2009

    Pretty~ Thank you so much for making this, I love Zeki.

  12. NeroZero Apr 15, 2009

    Oh dear thats great... domo arigato!

  13. creamycoco May 15, 2009

    go zero and yuki..
    great job ^^

  14. Faqir Jun 05, 2009

    yes! zeroxyuuki! love it! great job! +fav

  15. masumaru Oct 07, 2009

    Hehe, great job! ZeroxYuuki is <33

  16. nourt Dec 12, 2009


  17. Danajj Dec 16, 2009

    wooooow thats really a gooooooooooooood one ;)

  18. wind-deer1017 Apr 02, 2010

    thanks for sharing~~~
    it is beautiful

  19. lludovic Apr 13, 2010

    wowwwwwwwww great wallpaper thanks

  20. Sokkyosama Apr 20, 2010

    Thank's a lot for sharing a nice wallpaper!

  21. inter91 Apr 26, 2010

    bella immagine,davvero molto bella

  22. cady967 Jun 15, 2010

    thank you so much!
    i like it!

  23. Reya-Konomi Mute Member Jul 09, 2010

    It's great.
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. darkness5457 Aug 07, 2010

    arigato!I love it .thanks for pic

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