
Miggy Wallpaper: Where are you?

Miggy, Vector Art, Contest Entry Wallpaper
Miggy Mangaka Vector Art Source Contest Entry Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This wallpaper is an entry for MTM's WINTRY WONDERLAND CONTEST.
This wallpaper seriously cracks me up, the idea for this was like an epiphany.
Miggy boy --> giant boots --> UGG BOOTS ^_^'
Beside the boots the original scan also included a landscape that looked already rather wintry, those mountains in the background could almost go off as icebergs ,ok there's no ocean I admit it but still.
Out of all the possible items the entrys could include, ugg boots are the most useful for winter I think, though I don't want to deny the political importance that icebergs carry in times of global warming.
Another important reason for making this is that I seriously want more Miggy walls on MT (how about Arete III with only Miggy art? XD).

Now the actuall (reasonable) description:
I had to crop this scan a lot, it's actually so sad but otherwise the character would've been too small. As you can see this wallie has a lot of texture and patterns again but this time I used some brushes as well (it's rather minor use in comparison though) and even did some filter whoring by creating an aurora borealis effect for the sky (you can't really see it though).
Textures and patterns: DA! and Hybrid Genesis
Scan: Lunar's Reflection posted by DREAM
Tutorial:Leopard's Aurora Borealis wallpaper in GIMP
Those that dislike ugg boots, or think I've done shame to the scan may look at this version.

I hope you like and spread the Miggy love. :)

vector-wallers theunderappreciated

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  1. Angi Retired Moderator Jan 10, 2008

    hey! miggy again ne
    nice to see this wall, its very calm, i like to sit and watch the moon like that (well maybe not sit in ruins..^^')
    anyways the wall looks very nice

  2. Idril Jan 10, 2008

    wow that's cute and awesome XD!
    The colors and style from this wallie is just sweet and lovely!
    Nice job and + favs

  3. IzumiChan Jan 12, 2008

    Woah, so cool~ I loved how you made such a cute and nice color scheme out of that water color mess~ >w<
    The sky and the clouds are reallly pretty too~ >u<
    Great work! :D

  4. Sinever Jan 13, 2008

    its a perfect wall for the contest :D
    & as xangel said its a very calm wall XD
    I love it XD

  5. alterlier Jan 13, 2008

    the boot guy again, without much to say, the gradient on the sky is just for the win.

  6. eternallegend Jan 18, 2008

    i like the cool breezy like atmosphere and how it seems kind of far off and peaceful in a way since he is gazing in the distance :)

    the placement and rearrangement of the moon is neat as i like how it seems to give space to the character and not overcrowd the one space :D the addition of another mountain and the good use of space is evident in the wall :D the aurora in the background adds a nice effect to the wall and helps add character :)

    the colours reflect the peaceful look of the wall :) i like the interesting way you manipulated the colours from the original scan to something of your own creation :D this shows the neatness of the colour choice and every colour seems to blend nicely as though it were originally like that :D

    the slight textured look gives your wall a nice effect bringing out each aspect of your wall :D the vectoring and the colouring is neat and the details flow well :)

    the drastic change in colour and the overall look from the original scan image is nicely done as the colouring and the way everything seems to blend is lovely :D

    extra stuff:
    good luck in the contest :D this is all just personal opinion ^_^' nice wall ^^

  7. kokuyu Feb 12, 2008

    there's no sight nor signs that hinted winter to me, but feels like the snow is going to melt soon ^_^'

    but anyway, you got the point there of global warming. aside, with perspective designs here, it draws thoughts of attracting the viewer to look far deep into this art; looking up the sky, both gives a sign of hope for future ahead ;)
    just my thoughts upon the 1st glance of your art :)

  8. DiEs2882 Sep 26, 2010

    so stuning...:)

    a great wallpaper it is...:D

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