
Sanctuary Knocker Wallpaper: What's Between Heaven and Hell?

Carnelian, Sanctuary Knocker, Elurai (Sanctuary Knocker) Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Textures by: DA!

I'm back from vacation!
*nonexistent party starts*
and my big sis is pregnant...Kitten's going to be an auntie....

I missed my com/photoshop so f****ing much
so as soon as I took a rest I started on this wallie.
I wasn't sure on what to do for it and PLEASE
is there is a flaw I'll fix it as soon as I get a new mouse,
my mouse is so freaking messed up I had to use my fingers to
complete it.

Okay, about the wall...hard to extract and
clean, some pieces were removed, blended colors,
texture, added brushes and shifted the scan to my will.

Inspiration for the wallie was kinda
my trip to New York...hmm yea thats about it.

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  1. LilLaoRyo704 Jul 12, 2007

    Cool wall, like the colors and the textures you used, awesome job XD

  2. Devildude Jul 12, 2007

    possibly one of those walls I don't get to see much off. it is strange, cause most would potray the red as hell (which you most likely did) on the bottom lol.
    nicely done.

  3. Hasaki-Keissi Jul 12, 2007

    I'm going to try and describe what I'm thinking as clearly as I can.

    The whole piece has almost an "Ethereal" feel about it. Though I feel in traditional biblical sense the scenes depicted here are reversed. (I'm going to be the first to say I'm not religious, in any way.) an interesting style choice that really catches one's eye.

    Good job.

    I'm going to say this, given the completeness of the title and combine that with my total tired state of being, I was expecting to be diving into a conversation or rather a debate and had begun preparing my thoughts. However, only after the page started loading did I notice that it was in the gallery. Well, a discussion in the gallery, that would be new, I thought. And it turns out it was an actual wall. Now that I have entertained you with my tired state, am I excused?

  4. Clover Jul 12, 2007

    ^^ I think it is really intresting. i know the original picture, and i didn't like it till today. But in this Wall it looks great. There are so much things that can be associated with this picture. It can be religious (I'm not that religious). But you can interpret a normal person with it too^^.
    Well it is intresting and it let me think a bout so much.

    I like the struktur, you used there and the dreamy light effect (or however i should call them)^^ . Good job^^

  5. rika23 Jul 12, 2007

    Nice concept :o The sparkles Ish nichu XD

  6. moonlight-shawdow Jul 12, 2007

    *shock*no one said congrats for being an auntie.hhmmm well first things first congrats that ur bein an auntie><*throws confetti*
    i like tis wall though the only flaw i have with this is the chara. she so small but then again i understand where ur going like w/th BG...right?.so it not much of a problem^^
    anyways~.~congrats for becomin an auntie and thx for the nice wall^^

  7. yui20 Jul 12, 2007

    Wow ~ That's a really cool vector xD !
    Yea, I agree what Devildude said, mostly are hell, and the lil part of Heaven ^^ !
    Definitely a fav =3 ! And Highlighted in Carnelian-sWorld too =3 !

    Btw, how was your trip xD? Was it fun?

  8. Melisandre Jul 12, 2007

    Welcome back and you give us a present, amazing wallpaper, the different parts are just great, red and blue, good combination and her wings, just gorgeous. Faving... :D

  9. xShatteredSoulx Jul 12, 2007

    very nice, she appears like she's drifting downward into the light, but it looks like she's in a broken eggshell. Which, I happen to think, is a cool addition.

  10. moonescape Jul 12, 2007

    lol! I do like the idea of what you were trying to do. :D

    Tthough I think it look quite odd maybe because of the egg there. :o

    You know what, I'm using the scan of that too for another wallie. I guess great minds think alike. XD

    Sorry I can't talk much, but I'm leaving on Monday so I'll miss MT for the next 3 weeks. :(

    To think you came back from your vacation and now I'm leaving. T_T Well now I know why you haven't updated much. :x

  11. Nightrane Jul 15, 2007

    It's beautiful. I love it, except that it's a bit scary, because unless I'm mistaken, Touka's in the picture and he looks so feminine semi-naked. O_Z If it was a real girl, it would be perfect.
    I like the eggshell, concept and textures. :D

  12. pamkips Jul 16, 2007

    Kitten's gonna be an aunt! :] *brings out.........things......that adults drink*

    Awesome as usual Kitten :] Teh damn skillz are awesome

  13. streamside Jul 17, 2007



    the background is cool. ^___^

    and yes, the eggshell looks odd, but it also adds to the effect of the eccentricity of the wall.

  14. DREAM Jul 19, 2007

    simply your finest work, lady kitten- imo. ^^

  15. bella-ella Jul 20, 2007

    Wow, way to celebrate getting back into it -- this is awesome! It's really unique. +Fave

  16. Chloe Retired Moderator Jul 23, 2007

    This is awesome! The extraction is very neat and the idea is just too cool and you portrayed it well! Excellent job!
    *adds to EDD*

  17. JamKuradoberi Jul 24, 2007

    I had the stupid feeling i've commented on this wall of yours...i guess it's cuz of the heat ^__^
    Anyway,let's see:
    the concept is very nice and the colors are really nice..I'll take the red as for "passion" :3
    I really love how you've played with the scan :3 and overall this looks good *2 thumbs up :3 *

  18. WWLAOS Sep 03, 2007

    Wow, that's...very beautiful. I love the interplay of colors here. You blended them wonderfully. I also love the scan you choose...it fits the theme perfectly. The broken shell gives a very "emergent" feel to it, as if the character were just being born and was torn between the paths before him; or as if the shell itself were some sort of barrier that had kept him protected yet naive, and only now is he forced to cope with the true nature of the world around him. I also really like how the wings have an almost angelic look on their leading edge, but then become more ragged and sharp and generally dangerous as the feathers spread out...which is only enhanced by the red overtones. Lovely and deep. A potent combination. :)

    Great work, I'm glad I got to see it.

  19. abul Oct 24, 2007

    high wuality work ;)

  20. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 09, 2009

    grande wallpaper

  21. surfinternet222 Oct 14, 2010

    >//////////////////< good

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