Heee... can mikan have points too? ^^
pretty pretty.. the castle does look far.. maybe you should have made the moon bigger and the scan into a hue of blue... click on layer and press CTRL+U if you're using PS CS2. ^^
*hehe* well i still haven't improved YET XD
ehm just another ordinary wallie
brushes used: Clouds, ans stars (from deviantart)
scan from: (eh dunno(already forgot the link =.='') so.. i've uploaded it to photbucket here's the
I used PSP for this wallie and it took me ehm around 5 hours to finish it
and ehm i'm still bad in descriptions so gomen again xD
oh well whatever X-P enjoy! :)
oh oh before i forget *Please Full view it looks way better when yah full view it ><*
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Heee... can mikan have points too? ^^
pretty pretty.. the castle does look far.. maybe you should have made the moon bigger and the scan into a hue of blue... click on layer and press CTRL+U if you're using PS CS2. ^^
beautiful and fantastic seen. i think whether the girl may be big a little more.
i love the background :) seems so magical :D i love the moon and the clouds and the title suits the wall well :) i love the colours and nice wall~^^
hihi,very very nice ,it is fantasic
add fav
i like it...the color does blend well but i wonder if you could make the moon a little bit bigger and bit brighter...
nice job mikki-chan! :D
i like the nice colour scheme :D i like how you made her look as though she is staring off as though she is looking at the far away castle XD i like the nice clouds and the moon :) nice wall ^^
i love the bg it's so magical and a little creepy as well
ehr i think if you'll make the moon bigger it won't suit the rest of the wall anymore
great job besides you Did improve mikan ^_^
keep up the great work ;) +fav
so cute
so well done ^^ i fav!
Lovely, really cute and delicate. Great work :)
Hi! miki-chan! ^^ (can i call you like this?)
Woah the wall is really beautiful! ^_^ looks very magical, and especially that castle in the clouds up there! XD cool! i
love the way that you made the bg! the clouds are really nice ^^
Although i want to give some suggestions:
-The extraction of the castle, well it looks a bit pixaleted, especially in the right side, also more light would be
look more nice ^^
-The moon would like nicer if it was more big and with more light, and also the stars.
Ah well... Still the wallpaper is really nice! ^^ i love the magical effect that you give to this wallie ^^
Keep it up Miki-chan! ^^
the floating castle in the air is such a good idea! I think it needs a little filtering though...what if you duplicated the layer, set it to overlay, and gave the lower layer some gaussian blur? It might give it a more heavenly unrealistic glow so it looks better in teh clouds. that middle part between the girl and the castle is kinda empty...maybe some sparkles flowing across on wind. here, let me maek you a really quick example...
erm, sorry, i know thats on black.
the scan needs soem cleaning too..www.imanimetions.net - tutorials - cleaning tutorial.
I think you should add some goldish sparkes or hue to the clouds so that it gets some color thats in the girl so she fits in better.
wow nice I really like the concept here :D
Hi I like this page is fantastic
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