oh! so cute~ I love the pinks and purples ^.^ The clouds are so fluffy!

1280x1024 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
My boyfriend says this is one of my best ever wallpapers. :) That's funny seeing as how it's pink and purple. This time I made the clouds all by myself! GO ME! This is the re-CGed cover of SailorStars volume . The original is cute too, it's the same artwork, but this has the shading and light effects that mark is as being redone. I put pearls over all of the fluffy dots on the image because they weren't actually round which was driving me nuts. This wallpaper was just a lot of fun to do. Time: 5 hours. Layers: 11. Lemme know what you think!
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starrliteangel Jul 14, 2006
ArtificialRaindrop Jul 16, 2006
Very cute! We need more great Sailor walls ^_~ The clouds remind me of cotton candy, but thats very fitting all the same. It looks great!
hydetenshi Jul 20, 2006
kawaii! The purple and pink looks so nice together, and also cute how the colors on each side match with the senshi there. Pretty and fluffy and soft... I like very much! ^_^
deedeezel Jul 22, 2006
totomeou kawaii desshou....
looking forward to seeing more of your sailormoon artworks!
total masterpiece... -
Kyelor Dec 07, 2006
Hey, it's one of my fave Sailor Moon scans! Your wall looks so cute ^_^
mazaojang Mar 16, 2007
i love this pic saturn nice
DragonBlood Aug 15, 2011
It's really cute! Like the pearls! Thank you for sharing!
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