
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: Amozonas Trio

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Hawk Eye, Tiger Eye, Fish Eye Wallpaper
Toei Animation Studio Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Series Hawk Eye Character Tiger Eye Character Fish Eye Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The best villians of Sailor Moon, just after Sailor Galaxia, XD

I love those guys, they're great, so i made a nice simple wall, with a mexican pink in the background.

It's simple, but it works :)


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  1. ArtificialRaindrop Mar 07, 2006

    I always thought these guys were hilarious, even in their extreme tackiness XD the excess of pink and swirls fits the small scan very nicely, too. Good work! ^-^

  2. acido Mar 09, 2006

    when i was in elementary i used to play with my friends to be thes characters, i was eagle eye.... later i noticed tha they were kind of gay XD... but they're cool XD

  3. deedeezel Mar 09, 2006

    kewl....so cute

  4. kellyraye815 Dec 07, 2008

    finally, some love for the villians! i loved these guys, they were funny. i really liked hawks eye and tigerseye. fisheye was cool too

  5. ElectrumEye May 08, 2010

    Yes, finally wallpaper with bad guys! I really like Amazon Trio (as well as whole death circus theme) so thank you!

  6. cherubzz Jun 21, 2010

    Great! Thank you! Wonderful artwork.

  7. kuronekomi Jan 03, 2011

    very nice!I love the Amazon Trio and I love the SuperS series design
    thank you

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