
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Wallpaper: Uranus & Neptune

Toei Animation, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


I'll try to submit more wallies these days... ;)
I'm kinda inspirated! ^-^
And so a looooooooooooooong time since the last Sailor Moon wallie, ahn? ;)

I have this image here in my computer for a loooooooooooooong time, but didn't figure out it was perfect for a wallpaper since this weekend!
I just love som much these two girls... (although lots of people don't).

Unfortunately in some countries, Haruka (Sailor Uranus) and Michiru (Sailor Neptune) were treated like cousins or simple friends, and their truly love was put aside... But they are perfect together!
Both are sooooooooooooooooo pretty! ^-^

So, for this wallie I used a simple background (just clouds mixed with a brush inwave and ripple) and simple leaves, with lots of sparkling star brushes a giant nebula involving them!

The image is from the 2002 Series Calender (credit to SailorMoonWorld.com and SOS Sailor Moon Project) and brushes from Aurora, PureAnodyne, Graceful-Lament and some more... ^-^

Please feel free to tell me what you truly think about it! ;)
(I have to confess that I'm soooooooooooooo proud of it! =D)

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  1. acido Apr 24, 2006

    i think the text is unnecesary, nut is a nice wall, and i love MICHIRU!

  2. Zoamel Apr 24, 2006

    I like the background a lot. It's fitting great to the girls, especially to Neptune. Great work with extraction, too. I'm only happy to see some new Sailor Wall.

  3. deedeezel Apr 24, 2006

    this is totally awesome...so kewl...excellent job!

  4. nightstar12 Apr 29, 2006

    wow, I love Michuru and Haruka! They're so cool, Thanks for the awsom wallie LunaTsukino!

  5. Cosmos-chan May 01, 2006

    lindo wallpaper! ficou mto perfeito!

  6. praew3 May 28, 2006

    Sailor Moon . Sailor Moon is comic in my heart . I love Sailor Moon very much . I watch Sailor Moon since age 5-6 year . wow Your wallpaper is very beautiful . Colours of wallpaper is nice . It like sea . It make me feel want swim in the sea . ohhhh Your wallpaper have wing wing . Nice job . >v<
    thank you for your beautiful wallpaper . It is perfect . >v< ^^

  7. IzumiChan Jun 14, 2006

    I only saw that you posted it today... sorry for the late comment. -_-
    It's so magical! ^.^
    I like Haruka and Michiru, don't see anything wrong with that... but when Michiru started flirting with Seiya, let me tell'ya, it was strange. OX
    I loved the brush-work, and that color was a perfect-choice. ^-^
    Great job! ^_~

  8. CosmoStar Jul 07, 2006

    Very dynamic! The colors we used at the bg are great and match the senshi a lot!
    The way you used the brush is faboo! Congrats!
    This one is looking very nice, very professional!

  9. guaxinin Nov 19, 2006

    WOW...This wallpaper is Amazing! XD
    Thanks and byebye! -_-

  10. Haven100 Nov 24, 2006

    Very Nice! I really like both Sailor Neptune and Uranus! :) Theres so beautiful, I also like the background :)
    just wanted to know why would they be perfect together arn't they both girls?
    Anyway great job!

  11. Kyelor Dec 07, 2006

    The colors and definition in this wall are amazing! I love that sparkly background ^_^

  12. IttyFox6 May 27, 2008

    I love the background effect, it's really cool! >^.^<

  13. Cami26 Dec 22, 2008

    muy bello! uranos y neptuno (L)


  14. KinomiyaMichiru Jan 20, 2009

    My fave anime couple...love it!

  15. Sayuu Mar 09, 2009

    Gotta love those two! <3
    The background is a bit too sparkling, but the girls make up for it! :)

  16. cyndouxe22 Nov 13, 2009

    beautiful wallpapers =) sisi ^_^

  17. viewnaka Nov 21, 2009

    Ohh~ I love Sailor Moon very very much! ><

    Thank you for upload^^

  18. Raina1985 Apr 21, 2010

    These two make a really cute pair. At least I think so.

  19. ShootingStar1201 Jun 23, 2010

    awesome Haruka is so.......handsome ^^ Michiru so pretty love it

  20. Reya-Konomi Mute Member Sep 24, 2010

    Thank you very much for sharing

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