This is really cool, and the expression sort of matches...
I tend to draw in a lot of lined notebooks, or in my school planner; nothing serious, but they turn out okay.
I absolutely adore how you made her hair and bangs more realistic; c'est tres beau! It's very beautiful! The
only issue some may have about this is how the skirt isn't ruffled-however, your drawing, your artistic licence-and
what a wonderful job you've done with it!
Artist Comment
This image of Usagi was done by Yun Kouga for the artbook volume Infinity. That book features a handful of Naoko-san's art and a lot of art from other mangaka, the voice actors and notes from friends. I wanted this to look like it was doodled on a torn piece of paper in a book that was not intended for drawings, maybe an address book or something, maybe some stationary. This did take a while because i had to make sure that Usagi was perfectly matched to the layer under her so that the tear was perfect, so for every selection I made it was cut out twice. The only weird thing about this is the pretty, serene look on Usagi's face. She's a total spaz so seldom looks so sweet. ^_^' This scan is from a site that is down now that featured good-sized scans from the artbook. I hope for many comments and favs! --Kohaku
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TrigunPreacherGirl Jun 22, 2006
Ardenta Jun 22, 2006
Sailor Moon! I like the title and that torn page effect. It is a good idea. :)
cara3392 Jun 24, 2006
It's so cute! Kudos. Very nice job. <3
AlexXan Jun 28, 2006
Hi :)
Realy adorable wallie ~ nice bright and this paper idea and textures are nice too.
~ what i would like is to see something in right part of walie ~ for example
edge of sketch-book or something like this to fill up empty place :)
Keep it up ~ -
deedeezel Jul 22, 2006
she looks so it!
XERAGONX Dec 13, 2006
Awsome Wall! Usagi looks so beautiful and fragile in this wallpaper! +FAV :) Great work!
ElectrumEye May 08, 2010
Beautiful wallpaper, that tear was good idea! I like expressive colors so for me it's a little bit too pale but still very good!
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