Your background is:
1) Awesome
2) Wonderful
3) Gorgeous
4) Marvellous
5) Outstanding....
Really nice background and i like it...
Adding it to my fav* for sure...
Keep it up...
:) :D :) :D
its quite late, Im tired, groovy and quite frankly not in the mood to type a descrption on this wall, sue your imaginations as to how I created it. There was vectoring involved and some CGing, a few stock photos and some brushes. rock on.
Browse Boogiepop Phantom Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Your background is:
1) Awesome
2) Wonderful
3) Gorgeous
4) Marvellous
5) Outstanding....
Really nice background and i like it...
Adding it to my fav* for sure...
Keep it up...
:) :D :) :D
coolies, nice background, very dark, and great colors too, nice image too, even tho i never seen this anime before :D , great job!!!!
omg! I really like this one!!!!! its dark and cool! I really like the scan and the trees and... and ....!! what the
heck, I like all of it!lol
its called out of the fav from me! XP XP XP
see you around and keep up the good work!
"wow" the bg looks sooo great and the blending looks great too's daark...very nice as always, ish. the scan is great too and the bg is what i'd expect from you ;) and seriously doode, where do you get these titles, i love them, lol. great job!
A Boogie Pop wall, not a lot of those floating around. Fits the anime perfectly and is truly awesome.
very darky and eerie wall you made here...and i luv your multi-colored sky! the right side of your wallie gives me the impression of something dark creeping up behind the chara. :D
The angel of death as Boogiepo is called. Dont see much of this image walled anymore but the bg itself is phenomenal...
like theres 2 in 1 bg but all in all the effects and movement go togehter well.
Awesome job as always mate! :P
Its nice, the dark ambience it creates. Though its a simple scan, but i love how u decorate the scan, the starry sky is very pretty ^^ Just love tt~! +favs
damn boy OX OX OX i would give u a lot fav for this awesome work
i love the perfect sky the colours thats my taste honey
i wish u could give u a fav
but wait i can give
i mean the skygirl can give ;)
keep it up with your great work
I love all these dark wallpapers. I love the background too.
Wonderful Job as always!
i dont really like the face of the image u used..
but the background
can easily make me ignore it
very dark shimmery and soothing.
this is definately going to adorn my desktop soon
Really nice wall. I'm loving the background. It's perfect. Beautiful dark colors. Another great one from you! You get a fav from me!
>___< nice one!
always like the way its dark but stars still come through XD the scan just seems to merge into the darkness and the
shadows of the trees against the sky is pretty cool. like how the colors in the sky reflect the colors in the clothing
as well.
but i feel you've done this technique a little too often cause the trees shadow is recurring in your recent walls
^__^' and the starry bit as well.
but even though i esp think this work is great.
+fav XP
Very, very nice. An excellent work! The background is awesome. I like the dark colors. XD
Awesome work, thanks a lot for sharing it. XD
Oooooooooooo..the bacgkrodun looks fantastic! Dark colors rockz! Thankie so so much for sharing such a wonderful wallie with us!!! The title matches too! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Keep up the great work! +fav I'll be looking forward to your next one!
okay.............time add to my favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
Such an awesome job!!
It's dark and cool!
Colors are really great! The gradation from blue to red is sublime!
A new great wall from you^^
awesome wall! the background is amazing as always. i really like the colors of the sky. good job with the scan. it looks great.
Ohhhhhhh, this one is really dark, well my kind of walls. Your bg's are always good, and this one is no exception. Although i never seen Boogiepop Phantom, this makes me wander, the scan is really good. Take care.
all your walls rock my socks......what else is there to say? I mean really
+Favie ofcourse
Nice Ish. I like the seeming darkness of it... Dunkelheit, Verhaltnisse einzuwickeln... Nice.
your walls always have this dark 'n gothic touch I love! Don't stop!!!
Thanks for sharing, thanks a lot!!!
+ fav... NEED more!!!
The bg looks great; the scan is cool; the effects are superb; the extraction is excellent... all in all this is awsome!!
Good job! Def. a fav!
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