i like it.. effects work nicely!
adding to my fav :)
Artist Comment
So this is what they call another endless night
So tired of believing if this is wrong or right
I think this cause is lost, i wish that i could sleep
I feel like some kind of shadow, another slave to the week
Imagined if we lived, under the weather
We would never be found, never discovered
If everything goes wrong, if its one more endless night
You know theres always a tomorrow and tommorow....
Listening to *No Transitory-Alexisonfire*
This is one of my last pieces im gonna wall of the most homicidal key hole vision dark anime series of Boogiepop Phantom because its a dead series but nonetheless the songs of Alexisonfire is soothing and riveting when you feel like you just wanna die, its not for everyone cos some songs have shouts you cant understand if you dont see the lyrics but theyre your typical canadian punk band! ^_^' But yeah anyway i was looking around my comp for some old scans i locked away and yeah i found this in MT but forgot the link... so kudos to that person! I had to recg the whole background from scratch, added some dark grunge textures to give that gritty look, added some tiles cos its stylish nowadays and i love to have a floor like that.... Did you know mental patients who cant walk on plain white flooring use checkered tiles to adjust their own sense of direction abling them to move? fascinating isnt it! XD So yeah i added a windo since in the series there is less light actually shining on the series since its keyhole vision... then took a framed tapestry of the Virgin Mary and some Angels to balance the whole emptiness of the wall. Never understood why i put that tapestry there, maybe because of the fact no matter how much you kill as the angel of death you are doing it to bring justice and peace into a balanced power in the world but i guess im rambling too much ehhehe but yeah theres 45 layers and 5 hours of workage baby! XD
P.s. those are really 2 girls if your wondering... Sautome and that detective lady who doesnt go to school cos i forgot her name... >_<
Anyway hope you like it *throws teddie minions at them* hahah! and more resolutions coming soon in Imanimetions! also ALL UPDATES ARE IN THE SITE! check it out kids! ^___^ *bop*
Personal intent:
Ive always thought i had something to live in this world, like a greater purpose so i wont be so bored in life as it
is... but maybe because i sleep in my own world and not live it right here. I need to be free, fly like the birds and
just be happy that existence of oneself can change by the way he/she uses his/her time and make the best of it. I being
transitory in my mind must remove myself from my doubts and fears, i guess death is starting to catch up on me, mocking
my once conquered fear against it.... Oh well who would care less? >_>
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Dufoe88 Jul 09, 2005
Regnak Jul 09, 2005
Good work!!
Adding to my fav.
Nice wall.
Clover Jul 09, 2005
i like this kind of chara and the wall is made very well
good work
kara Jul 09, 2005
Wow! It looks awesome! The grungy wall and floor gives a great atmosphere and the tapestry adds a great touch, and altogether everything fits together really well! It's really nice and is pretty much flawless as far as I can see^^
cloh Jul 09, 2005
wow^^ it's really great^^ The effects are nice and the scan is nice! love the colors
yuiyui01 Jul 09, 2005
i like the Bg very much, got special feeling while looking at it, I thought the girl with black clothes was a boy at the first place XD
thx for sharing! you really did good job ;)
faving ;) -
white-zero Jul 09, 2005
Awesome stuff as always but the smaller text turns me off. >_<
Other than that, it still awesome.
Ikorus Jul 09, 2005
I really like the colors on this wallpaper especially because they're rare. Most are blue, black, or violet.. >_< Anyway, I think the painting that looks a little run down and really old is an awesome touch to the whole feel of the wallpaper. And the wall looks so amazing because it has this scratched and worn effect. The lighting all throughout the wallpaper is also remarkable. ANd right now, I'm running out of adjectives! XD So...just... WOW!
Cadi Jul 09, 2005
wow! cool wall.. love the colors and the effects^^ the light shinning through the window looks really pretty as well. love the feel-like-home kind of way... nice job!
chibikko Jul 09, 2005
Aiya such a cool wallpaper, the atmosphere is so ... brown :nya: but I really like it. I also love this kinda floor, I wish I had such a bathroom floor. Unfortunately mine is black :3 anyway the perspective is a bit off >< I compared it to the original scan and I think you should continue the floor like that. Phew but you finished your wallpaper already so don't change it, okay? Heh chibikko found another mistake :3 the shadows are wrong... the light comes from the back of the two girls. Anyway I love the picture in the background and the texture as well ^^
kai81220 Jul 09, 2005
awesome one OA ^^ i feel like im looking at a painting or something. colors are subdued and give a calm mood to the whole wall. really like it XD
like the addition of the painting in the bg, cause im assuming it wasnt in the original ^_^' grungey texture is always good, looks like a stucco wall, like italian houseanyway great work +fav
toxictea23 Jul 09, 2005
When downloaded, was unable to view. Showed only clear white background..
Sorry, so i suppose i can only look at the thumbnail. And i was also planning onto adding it to my desktop since it seemed to have such a good feel to it. Lovely texture apon the floor my friend, i enjoyed the scan and the window as well^.^ Good job Angel^.^
Mata ne~~
+favs -
Acuni Jul 09, 2005
i like the colours and the scenary you made there and the idea is good
Liz Jul 09, 2005
I love the background and the colors plus the characters are great there amazing work
Sunira Jul 09, 2005
The whole grungey room is quite beautiful. I like the dark brown theme throughout. :) Great work!
Skillzpay Jul 09, 2005
By far one of your cleanest and smoothest walls to date OA. I love how the grunge texture gives this that classic and almost rustic feel and that picture in the very back was a nice touch. And yeah that addition of the checkered tiles was genius. This is gonna have to be my new desktop!
Kiako Jul 09, 2005
nice wallpaper, the color is good. i like the way you made the flor.
keep it up -
sukie Jul 09, 2005
mmm...great wall from my all time loved artist... this wall is really pretty...but morbid in a strange wall...funny how you can add emotions to a wall...
great job!!!
*pat on the back* -
bromithia Retired Moderator Jul 09, 2005
A Boogiepop Phantom wallpaper! Its rare to see a good BPP wallpaper nowadays, I think you did a good job on this one. The wall and floor merge kind of strange, though. And some parts of the floor are highly saturated, though they don't stand out as much as you'd think they would. Some more textures on the character would probably help, because the light amount you have on them right now just looks low quality, and effects the scan a lot.
The title font could probably be repositioned or made smaller? I'm not too crazy over the white blurry font, either. Besides everything I mentioned, this is a very nice wallpaper. Good job!
macky Jul 09, 2005
Well suprise suprise youve made another wallpaper b4 ive made one.. Ur a machine...
Boogie pop.. awesom series...
Nice wall.. probobly not the poter photo thing.. but yes.. nice nice.. -
vfan Jul 09, 2005
an awesome and stylish wallpaper! great colors and feel to the art! nice work!
DeviousOni Jul 09, 2005
it's been a while since i saw a wall from you lol. maybe i should check in here more often, huh? ^_~ anyway, i love it cuz it's not overpoweringly grainy and grungy like some walls and plus it's boogiepop! great job!
rythem Jul 10, 2005
uuu~~ ^.^ looks nice... the colours n bg matches the scan very well.. hmm.. >.>
maybe the font should be put a bit further in the middle..(only a bit..) but it looks great anyways..
+favie ^_~ -
tAtEkAnE Jul 10, 2005
@_@ dude ur a machine! XD ur walling like mad =p
anyway really nice work on this one :D
everything is well put :D keep it up
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