
Boogiepop Phantom Wallpaper: ojo sangriento.......

Kouji Ogata, Madhouse, Boogiepop Phantom, Boogiepop Wallpaper
Kouji Ogata Mangaka Madhouse Studio Boogiepop Phantom Series Boogiepop Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

esta serie es interesante es una especie lain ..mas o menos .....y su banda sonora es oscura jajaja...........fenomenal............compadres espero que les guste...........

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  1. Arnikagc Nov 17, 2004

    It's a good wallpaper, but way too blocky.
    And you could try speaking English, you know. It helps.

  2. Kori Nov 18, 2004

    Very good wallpaper!! Very darkish... and even a little bloodish. ^_^' I can't say anything about the soundtrack because I haven't seen it but just seeing the wallpaper does give an impression of a very dark series. ^^ Good job!

  3. Noe Nov 18, 2004

    good wallpaper....

    (No he visto la serie, pero es el mismo staff de Lain.....
    Amigo, como has visto aca piden que los post y las descripciones de las imagenes sean en ingles, puedes usar un traductor para ello).
    Nos Vemos.

  4. NaoNao Nov 24, 2004

    esa series es muy buena aunke no la he podido ver voy sobre todo el diseño de personajes!!!!!!!!!

  5. TheSinned Jun 26, 2005

    jeje, el wallpaper ta bueno ,el aire gótico de la imagen me vacila, Buen trabajo ^^

    Au revoir!!

  6. Kanna Jul 14, 2005

    Quote by Eroseninesta serie es interesante es una especie lain ..mas o menos .....y su banda sonora es oscura jajaja...........fenomenal............compadres espero que les guste...........

    ...Se llama Boogiepop Phantom!
    So you made this wallpaper?...i have it on my computer but i didn`t download it from Minitokyo...i think i get it from Ballzapalooza web...
    Thanks for summiting this wallpaper...i love bp!!!

  7. irian Sep 17, 2005

    Uuuhh, boogiepop.. freaky!
    I loved that series, it's really dark and moody, and even weirder than Lain, which is something
    This wallie captures very well the mood of it, good job

  8. Sabbathiel May 01, 2006

    phantastic! It's great wallie, thank you for this work

  9. gemini3 Jun 13, 2007

    Hasta donde se, es anterior a Lain, e incluso tuvo una serie...

  10. abelini4 Mute Member Oct 13, 2009

    Excelent Wallpaper ^_^...

  11. megrace33 Jul 16, 2010

    Yo me gusta! I love it! ^-^ It's such a wall of Boogiepop. I've always loved this image too.

    Thanks for sharing! <3

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