Excellent. XD XD XD
I like it. XD XD XD
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*sigh* I seriously have too much time on my hands (I have no life, for lack of a better discription..but I refuse to accept it). I mean..who makes a wallpaper everyday..other than me? oh well..I just hope you guys like it. Boogiepop Phantom managaed to freak me out as, or maybe even mora than Serial Experiments Lain. This wall isn't really my style..but Im always willing to try new things ^^.
here are the scans I used;
many thanks to Nuriko for;
well, any comments are appreciated^^
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lthnadml Jun 24, 2005
Tantaga Jun 24, 2005
Yes, more grunge :nya: . Well, your wall isn't quite "dirty grunge," but it does happen to be a pretty grunge :) . I can see that you blended the background image in quite well with the effects you've used. The gradual fade and choice of brown coloring compliment the scans well. Usually, purple and borwn don't mix, but you've managed to pull it off quite well.
The worn out text brushwork and the use of the leaves swirling about behind and in front of the character really adds movement to your wall. Ths use of white on one side gives this wall a sense of a-symetrical balance and fits as well. Beyond the minor extraction of the character (the right side of the cloak seems to have little jaggies, but they aren't really that noticable ^_^' ), technically speaking, your wall is done awesomly. The only thing I don't like is the size of your wall ... tis a tad small for me ... perhaps a 1600x1200 size :nya: .
Maija Jun 24, 2005
OH it looks so beautifull....like the could autum...But say why you righted ohne liebe...NOT No Love....I mean why German....(I like German...)
toxictea23 Jun 24, 2005
Oi, too much time on your hands is good....walling a lot is good too...XD look at me..im making a lot of vectors XD
ahh pretty wallie^.^ -
sjolley Jun 24, 2005
You really don't have a life Sharingan... J/K No, this is really great, if my photoshop wasn't crap, me would try it... Heh :D
Scarlet Jun 24, 2005
Yeah... uhuh... *looks awed*
There. You did it again. It's beautiful. You know, you submit a wallper per day and still manage to make them gorgeous.
Thankies, No-Life! XP
MS0B9 Jun 24, 2005
Hey your not the only one who doesn't have a life. XD Well anyway love your wallie. The colors look awesome. Great job and adding to favs!
SaschaC Jun 24, 2005
if it helps, U manage to freak me out somethimes too ^_^
great wall Shar, as usual U leave no choise but to fav it XD
Cadi Jun 24, 2005
the bg is really cool.. the color looks good with the scan and the leaves are really pretty also^^ great job!
Firedemon Jun 24, 2005
realy nice wallpaper background goes realy well with the picture.
walkure245 Jun 24, 2005
That's really awesome looking. The brown coloring gives it such a old time or ancient fell to it. That's a beautiful and creative bg. I like the wordings and leaves that matches the mysterious feel of the wallie. The texture of the bg matches really well. This is a really good stuff~
bbls Jun 25, 2005
amazing brush work and blending of images...the grunge background suits your scan quite well. i understand the concept of the white space on the left, but i still feel it to be too empty... ^_^'
this may not be your usual style, but you really did a wonderful job on your wall... :D -
abelini4 Mute Member Oct 13, 2009
Excelent Wallpaper ^_^...
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