As far as Noir walls go this one isn't as bad as you think toonleap. But perhaps the Bg could have been a different colour to contrast more against characters you used. Chloe is looking particularly deadly with the knife glint, great idea.
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Assasins ready to do their job at any cost...Thats the world of Noir!
Thanks to akari-chan for the great scan...
As you can see, I just removed the whole japanese text and the background since I cant do too much about it. I placed a customized background for the scan and place a nice light flare at the knife of Chloe. Hope you like this.
Feel free to comment and well, just enjoy!
Visit my website at for more stuff and thanks to Akari-chan for this scan.
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tishdon Jun 12, 2005
ShybalNoom Jun 12, 2005
heh, i didnt like noir too much... but it is nice. its pretty cool. i like the shinning effect and how the bubbles come out! overall is a pretty cool WP. keep up the work!
MadMover Jun 12, 2005
I have to slow down and read these titles better. hehehe. When I first, quickly, read this one I thought it said Assassins in Underwear O.O Heheheheeheheeheehe! (I wonder where my mind was at that point?) ^_^'
akari-chan Jun 12, 2005
Great wallie! I love it! The background looks very cool. Thankies again for using my scan for your wall! I really appreciate it! Arigatou gozaimasu! :) +fav
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