*weeehhhh^w^~*jumps^^~ k,iam downloading, but excuse if i can take a closer look only later. but ill give my extended caption, thats for sure^^ thank u soooo much. hehe, das ging jetzt wirklich flux/flink/flugs -wie auch immer^^ Vielen Dank :D
Artist Comment
First of I'd like to thank all the members who wrote into my guestbook and who I talked to when
I just discovered Minitokyo and especially sarak for encouraging me to make my own wallpaper.
Thank you!
I've spent around 2 and a half hours on this one. In the first place I wanted to try out the film-
strip thingy which turned out pretty nice I would say - although it was my first try on it ^_^.
The reason why I used another image as background is that I don't really have time to make my
own background with effects and all right now - but I still think it's looking okay. I know some
people aren't fans of white backgrounds but in this case I had no real choice, maybe later ^_~.
I also stumbled over a slight problem right in the middle of making this wallpaper, so I had to
improvise a bit. I hope it's not too clearly visible ^_^.
I used two kinds of shadows on the film strip, it doesn't look real - but that's what I wanted.
So don't you wonder about that :p.
Right, what else.. oh, what about some statistics :):
-- my first wallpaper
-- spent 2 hours and 22 minutes on it
-- created with Photoshop 8.01 CS 1
-- about 20 layers (film strip was created seperately with about 5 layers)
That's it, hope you like the wallpaper - there are more to come, hopefully!
I know it's not really a story line, but I liked that title :p.
[stock images were taken from free wallpapers around the net and a couple of screenshots]
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sarak May 31, 2005
redblitzkrieg May 31, 2005
Gun pointing picture?, thats Cool!
Especially Sanzo..
nice wallie Cyruz
cruz2 May 31, 2005
Cool work but I expected nothing else. :)
Tatsuya May 31, 2005
nice concept, a simple idea done with great skill, though the extraction need to fix, coz i seen a few fuzzed! good job otherwise
kaylamew May 31, 2005
god job! it is highly thought thru ^_^ You did good work on the filmstrip - Kiraka is such a cutie! I'm looking forward to your next one!
sarak May 31, 2005
first: what i very appreciate and respect alot: its a really clean work. the film-stripe/tape/roll is well done, i especially like the text on the edges, thats great idea. mireilles skintone looks a little yellowish. the waves of the strips also fantastic and hard to manage in photoshop^^; the only thing i would mention - even u have excused it before - is the shadow of the stripe. not that there r two, but that is just moved upwards. to give more depth to it the shadow after first frame should almost be hidden, then rise with the wave and when the wave falls again shrunk together....arrrr....forgive my wretched explanation skillz ^^;;; may the holes could be really holes, too...ohhh, just spotted ur little heart in the upper corner ^^ - really like this wall^^~ great work, great skill and lots of knowledge about the program. keep it up. and its definitely that fav worth^^
tishdon Jun 12, 2005
Kirika's extraction should probably be smoothed out in some places, really well thought out with only a few minor points (already pointed out by previous comments). A great first wall, there are more fans of BG's then you know, I'm one.
marcosmos Mute Member Dec 06, 2009
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