This is so FUN I love the textures and filters you used in the background and colors it just makes you happy and thats what the show does it makes you smile and this does to. Great job :)

1920x1080 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Step forward, clear away the darkness in your heart~ Tommy heavenly6
Here's a wallpaper of *takes a deep breath* Gin, Kagura, Shinpachi, Sougo, Hijikata, Kondo... *squints* Katsura,
Elizabeth, KAMUI <3, and what's his face... SAKAMOTO No, I totally
didn't need to google his name, whatchu talkin' 'bout? from Gintama. :D Apparently, Takasugi was in this picture too, but I accidentally cropped him out... oops. ^^;
Anyway, I tried something kind of new with the picture 'cause I was too
lazy to cut it out like I normally do, LOOOL, and I quite like how it turned out~ U_U ALSO, this is wallpaper #2
that was made without my wireless mouse, impressive, riiight?! ;)
Credits:,,,,, and Wow, that was a long list xD
(Also available on my dA ^^)
Feel free to use, but please don't claim as your own~
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thingperson Oct 13, 2017
princessLINDA Oct 14, 2017
Quote by thingpersonThis is so FUN I love the textures and filters you used in the background and colors it just makes you happy and thats what the show does it makes you smile and this does to. Great job :)
Uwaaah, thank you so, so much! (/////)
I was actually unsure if I used TOO many textures in the wallpaper, or not, so hearing you say this makes me really happy! :D
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