1920x1080 Wallpaper
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One day, one day, I can return by the full moon to where cherry blossom flowers bloom~
Here's a wallpaper of Gin, Kagura, Shinpachi, Hijikata, Sougo, Kondo, and Yamazaki from the surprisingly awesome
anime Gintama. :D It's funny 'cause the first time I tried watching
it, I dropped it after the first episode (I don't like comedy animes too much, haha). Then, I gave it another shot
since my friend insisted I watch it. This time around, I thought it was simply alright (the arcs were all great, but the
"filler" wasn't always funny, in my opinion) up until the Shogun Assassination Arc when I totally fell in
LOVE with the show~ <3<3<3 I basically cried during every episode from that point onwards; it was great.
:') I sound kinda masochistic, don't I, LOOOL? Now I'm
actually considering reading the manga, which I NEVER would've thought I'd do when I first started.
On a side note, can we please take a moment to appreciate how well this wallpaper turned out? U_U Especially considering that a.) I made this while I was in a major Photoshopping slump, b.) I totally winged the wallpaper design because of point A, and c.) I MADE IT ENTIRELY WITH MY TOUCHPAD MOUSE ON MY LAPTOP SINCE MY WIRELESS MOUSE IS CURRENTLY POSSESSED! Very impressive, でしょう? B)
Credits: http://obsidiandawn.com/, http://obsidian_gaze.livejournal.com/, http://demeters.deviantart.com/, http://aaronieroarruruerie.tumblr.com/, http://martinacecilia.deviantart.com/, and http://www.dafont.com/.
(Also available on my dA^^).
Feel free to use, but please don't claim as your own~
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