
Gintama Wallpaper: Cherry Blossom Flowers Bloom.

Hideaki Sorachi, Sunrise (Studio), Gintama, Shinpachi Shimura, Sagaru Yamazaki Wallpaper
Hideaki Sorachi Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio Gintama Series Shinpachi Shimura Character Sagaru Yamazaki Character

1920x1080 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

One day, one day, I can return by the full moon to where cherry blossom flowers bloom~ SPYAIR.
Here's a wallpaper of Gin, Kagura, Shinpachi, Hijikata, Sougo, Kondo, and Yamazaki from the surprisingly awesome anime Gintama. :D It's funny 'cause the first time I tried watching it, I dropped it after the first episode (I don't like comedy animes too much, haha). Then, I gave it another shot since my friend insisted I watch it. This time around, I thought it was simply alright (the arcs were all great, but the "filler" wasn't always funny, in my opinion) up until the Shogun Assassination Arc when I totally fell in LOVE with the show~ <3<3<3 I basically cried during every episode from that point onwards; it was great. :') I sound kinda masochistic, don't I, LOOOL? Now I'm actually considering reading the manga, which I NEVER would've thought I'd do when I first started. xD

On a side note, can we please take a moment to appreciate how well this wallpaper turned out? U_U Especially considering that a.) I made this while I was in a major Photoshopping slump, b.) I totally winged the wallpaper design because of point A, and c.) I MADE IT ENTIRELY WITH MY TOUCHPAD MOUSE ON MY LAPTOP SINCE MY WIRELESS MOUSE IS CURRENTLY POSSESSED! Very impressive, でしょう? B)

Credits: http://obsidiandawn.com/, http://obsidian_gaze.livejournal.com/, http://demeters.deviantart.com/, http://aaronieroarruruerie.tumblr.com/, http://martinacecilia.deviantart.com/, and http://www.dafont.com/.

(Also available on my dA^^).

Feel free to use, but please don't claim as your own~

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