
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Sorry

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Yuuki Cross, Zero Kiryuu Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Yuuki Cross Character Zero Kiryuu Character

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


That's a wallpaper created from a melting of 2 different pictures that I made and vectored... When I saw Yuuki's picture (from the book) I wanted to add Zero with her! I found a Zero's picture too and create this original scene. I added a broken glass and Zero's gun on the floor, petals, rose, curtains,... I vectored all elements and worked on the whole atmosphere that I wanted sweet and a little dramatic.
I hope you'll like!

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  1. angelxxuan Banned Member Nov 26, 2014

    quite beautiful and outstanding, love the layers and details to the piece, great job on capturing the scene rather well. not to mention the details to the background busy work is remarkable.

  2. EKarin Nov 27, 2014

    Dear Cilou, i think this is your best wallie i've seen from you sofar, especially in your way of picturing emotions. Its so intensious and full of passion!

  3. Shadowhime Dec 07, 2014

    Dear Cilou
    Thank you for such wonderfull wallpaper .

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