Wonderful as always Kaza-chan^^ Keep up the good work! XD
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P.S. Athena(for those who doesn't know her!):She is Virgin goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, defense and strategic warfare. Symbols include the owl and the olive tree. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Metis, she rose from her father's head fully grown and in full battle armor after he swallowed her mother(BTW...her Greek Name:Athena,Roman Name:Minerva)-^^-
OKAY.... SO Hi there..
i guess some of you would ask(WHY ATHENA!?)
well cuz i like ancient Greek gods(as stories,nothing more!),and she seemed as a greek goddess(and the above kinda suits
her)so I've decided to make my Athena by her ^^....
so anyways,THREE VESIONS YAY XD(excuse me O\\\O),actually the first idea when i saw THIS SCAN ^^ is that i'll just vector it as how it is but i
though about red dress would be cool,so i've just decided to make two version and i'll make the red is the
dark one with chains O.o
so after i'v hardly finished the first version(2d for girl and time for BG cuz i couldn't make the clouds
easily(took time))!
the clouds took time cuz i didn't want to use brushes!so I've searched enough to know how to make clouds and
then found a tut that helped me in making my won clouds brush(sorry don't remember the link "^^).
then the second version came...it took time actually(lots of false steps not to mention -__-)but it ended today ^^
so maybe someone would ask(what about the 3ed version?)...
it was one of the "false steps" in version two but i liked it(my first time to make something like this :P)and
since I've already changed the hair and outfit color of above i'v decided to change this on(my sister wanted
me to make something green and here it is ^^)
well i wanted this one to be simple and quite :)
BTW...my sis helped much in this wall(by her opinion as always,so thanks sis ^^).
and as always...i really hope you like this wall(all versions)^^ and hope there isn't any mistake(tried to forces
on details as much as possible)so i hope you like it ^^
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ToshiroBurrito Aug 05, 2012
Rider Aug 06, 2012
very nice and beautiful indeed XD
elisadevelon Retired Moderator Aug 06, 2012
Great vecotring and nice color combinations! I like the red version the most! What can I do; I just love dark wallies :D
Thanks for sharing this! ^^
aIshiRoi Aug 07, 2012
this is interesting. I like the red version. Nice vector though there were few jagged lines and some parts and versions that looks flat, especially the green one; for me. maybe thats because of the simple white bg and the details below. The vector itself is very lovely. you can always have fun and experiment on blending it to your bg.
You've got potential. keep it up! :) -
DragonBlood Aug 07, 2012
Great job vectoring! I love the play of colors! Really cool work! Thank you for sharing this!
jb1234567890 Aug 08, 2012
Thanks great job! I like this pic ´cause that girl is so similar to Hellscythe Eucliwood and I love her is so cute.... well, thanks for this amazing pic! XD
Masterchief80 Feb 11, 2015
Thanks KazablanKa for your Athena wallpaper. Great work.
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